Chapter 13 -------We need to talk😎😎

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'Are you sure there is nothing you want to tell me' my mum asked for the nth time today..

She had been asking this same question since I decided to join her in the kitchen today.

'You have been smiling to yourself since..Ms Adebukola could you please spill the beans and tell us what or who exactly is the cause for this sudden change of behavioral pattern of yours this week'. She said and mock bowed.

Efua was trying hard not to laugh but I could not hold my own laughter, my face crumpled with laughter and It was as if both of them were waiting for me to laugh; laughter resounded through the house.

After about 3 minutes of laughing to our satisfaction I asked my mum 'But how long have you been practicing for that mini speech you just gave us now'.

My statement sent all of us into another wave of laughter again and even after a long time Efua was still giggling.. That girl is a laughing freak..

I know you might be wondering how I ended up in my mum's kitchen from being asked out by my long time crush if I may add..

So after he asked me out and my tongue refused to cooperate with my mouth, teeth or whatever helps in talking..he assumed my answer was yes which I didn't object.

It's been a week now since we've started dating and I must confess that Jerry has been nothing but caring and loving...Sometimes I even feel like everything is not real because how can someone be so caring.

We decided that we'd keep our relationship on a low profile. I wasn't and I'm not ready for school drama or my name and his being the headline of the school's weekly hot gist..

I told Farida and Mide and they both seemed happy. They won't even stop teasing me whenever they can.

About Kelvin... I waited for him to come by himself, but he never did so I believed he already got the message that I'm not interested in him but his friend..I have also noticed that they no longer walk together again. The only thing they do is glare at each other whenever they see themselves. I'm actually trying to wave off the fact that it's because of me.

Am I mean? Probably...but do I care? maybe not.....

'Back to earth!' I heard my mum's voice and I smiled. I guess I've been thinking for a while now.

'If you continue daydreaming like this you'll burn down the whole house'. My mum spoke again and this time I looked down at the plantain I was frying and it was indeed starting to burn.

Thank goodness my mum is in a good mood today, or else, she'd have smacked my head with the spoon in her hand..

I quickly used a spoon to pack the fried plantains into a plate and poured another set of plantain into the hot oil.

Not quite long, we finished cooking and served the food on the dining table. Efua went upstairs to call Dad and Kofi while mum and I were dishing out the food.

Everyone sat down and we said our prayers; 'Dear Lord, thank you for this delicious food, for the beautiful hands that prepared it and for the wonderful mouths that will take it in'. Almost immediately we all dived in especially the guys..  E no easy, na we dey cook...

I guess even me can't wait to eat this Ofada Rice with assorted stew and the chicken lap in front of me.  My love for food....

We finished our food and Efua, Kofi and I packed the plates. We had to force Kofi to pack his own plate of course....that lazy thing.

I was about to enter my room when I heard my mum's stern voice 'We need to talk'. 'Yes mum'. I replied and followed her to their room.

Each time I enter their room I can't help but admire the beauty. After moving in, mum hired an interior decorator who decorated the house to everyone's taste.

This room is a mixture of mum and dad's choice of taste. The gorgeous stone walls with a gold accent and glowy golden lights bring in an earthy feel. The narrow bedroom table fits into the nook perfectly and since it's on the slimmer side, they made sure the two table on the other side of the bed offered plenty of drawer space for extra storage.

The king-sized bed covered with blue bedsheets was just calling me to come take a nap and the marble flooring is nothing but beautiful.

I looked around the room and I saw a large full length mirror that hangs above the dresser which adds a touch of glamour and makes the room feel more open and airy.

The dresser was slightly opened and I saw beauty products and perfumes in it. Even the wardrobe was full of clothes of different textures and material. Trust my mother on that....

At one corner of the room was a dressing table. Other things were a small chest for jewelry and accessories, a coat rack, shoe rack, small vases with artificial flowers, a Television with a shelf for it and a chandelier hung from the ceiling at the center of the room.

I can't even start explaining how nice their bathroom and closet looks....gosh ...the Jacuzii.

'You know this isn't the first time you'll enter this room'. My mum spoke. 'Mum you don't know how beautiful your room looks.. I'll never stop staring at it each time I come inside' ' Suit yourself then'. My mum shrugged and moved towards the couch...

I totally forgot there was a black couch in here. Following my mum I sank into the very soft couch.

'So... We need to talk' I mimicked her stern voice. She smiled and started ...

Author's note

Hi lovies...
I am so sorry for not updating for so long. I have been busy with exams and I'm ready to make it up to you guys by updating 3 chapters at a time....
Pls read, comment and don't forget to vote.... Your votes really mean a lot....😍😍😍😍😍
I love you all


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