Chapter 3--------- Holiday 2🌚

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'I am so sorry ma, I'll be travelling to my aunt's place tomorrow'. 'oh never mind, Bukky here is enough' my mum replied looking at me.

How could Angel leave only me here, she never told me about this travelling of hers. I was super pissed. After eating, I dragged her to the sitting room demanding for proper explanation. 'Were you planning to tell me after you got there' i asked her angrily. 'Well, I'm sorry it skipped my mind'. Is she kidding me. We don't hide things from each other and the fact that she said that without a single concern just doesn't sound right.

'You didn't tell me you were travelling and this is all I get for an explanation. Well, until I get the explanation I deserve, goodbye' with this I walked into my room and locked the door. The most annoying part was that she didn't even care to follow me or even come to my room.

When I was sure that she had left, I opened my door and went downstairs. I didn't even know why I had to overreact. It wasn't something so serious and I won't get to see her for the next two months or so. Well next time she'll learn not to hide things from me.

** ** ** ** ** **

Waking up the next day, I dragged myself to the bathroom, internally cursing the sound of the alarm that woke me up. After I finished my business in the bathroom, I hurriedly went to my wardrobe to pick something to wear. Just as I was about to decide on the cloth to wear, I heard my mum yell my name. I immediately decided on a black baggy top with a tight Jean trouser.

As I got downstairs, before I could even kneel down to greet my mum, I was dragged to the dinning room. The twin were already seated before I got there. We said our prayers and before I knew it my mum shoved a slice of bread into my mouth. Our breakfast was bread, fried egg and tea.

'Eat up, we do not want to spend the day in the traffic' my mum said while unplugging her phone from the socket. I glanced up and saw my father coming from their room. I did not even know when he came home last night.

My dad is a surgeon so he comes home very late at night. 'Good morning dad' I greeted, immediately going on my knees same with my siblings. I wasn't ready to hear any lecture on the need for respect from my dad at least not this morning. 'Morning Adebukola, Adebimpe and Adebola. Hope you all slept well'.

Anytime we greet my dad he always made sure he called us with our native name and even in full. 'yes sir' we all chorused while sitting back on the chair.

About 20 minutes later, we were all outside the house about to enter the car when I heard my mum's voice making me hold back the urge to puke. God... not todayyy 'Aren't you forgetting something'.

'I thought someone did not want to spend her whole day in the traffic' my dad replied while moving closer to her. Like seriously, don't these people know that they are getting older. I knew this was going to happen. I should have gotten used to this by now but I can not help but feel nauseous anytime they do this. My mum never allow my dad go out without demanding for at least a kiss even when they are fighting. It's crazy right?. But low-key I wanted nothing than ending up with someone if not like him, better than him. A man who would be a loving, caring and supportive husband and father and would always treat me like a princess. Here I come...fantasy world...

'We are getting late for school' Kofi deadpanned bringing me back from my daydream. It was then that they separated from each other with dad having a smug look on his face and mum blushing deeply.

We hopped into the car and my dad waited for my mum to go first, always following the 'ladies first' principle. Who that one help...

That day was so tedious at the boutique as there were many customers coming in to buy shoes, bags, clothes and all sort of accessories. There was even a particular lady I managed to convince to buy cloth and shoes from our boutique.

I know I said my only job in this boutique was to sit...I was surprised myself..

The girl came with her mum and they were already on their way out when I sighted them. I quickly went to confront them and asked what they needed. She explained to me that she was looking for a dress for her sixteenth birthday but she couldn't find any that interested her. I smiled after listening to her complaint and assured her that she would find a suitable dress for the party.

At first, they were hesitant, but after series of talk and explanation, they agreed to go with me.

I was even more surprised that I started a conversation with them..but then..the things money make us do..I knew if they should buy whatever they wanted to buy mum would surely give me my guess I'm not that shy when it comes to moneyy...

After searching for half an hour, a dress caught my eyes. I resisted the urge to keep the dress for myself. It was a strapless bodycon  knee-length black dress with a tint of gold. The neck of the dress was V-shaped and it was adorned with gold pearls. It was..MAGNIFICENT.

Immediately I gave the girl the dress, she was so happy. A look of content filled her eyes and we wasted no time in picking a matching shoe. Her mother offered me money but I refused. As per the girl wey get home training nau and the girl that was expecting her cut from momma.

And that was how my holiday went, with me going to the boutique every blessed day, attending to customers, returning home tired, going to church on Sundays, resting on Sunday evenings and no much fun😔

Author's note.

Are you enjoying this story so far.. Why do you think Angel left Bukky without giving her a proper goodbye🌚. What do you think will happen in the next chapter🤔🤔. What are your expectations for their senior year🤔🤔🤔. Let's find out in the next chapter.
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