Chapter 15-------Right?

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'You could have lied'.

'I could not'.


'She knew already'.

'Don't you know that is the strategy they use to trick you into telling them everything?'.


'Bukola, that's how mothers are. Even when they have no idea about something, they always claim to know, just for you to confess'.

I was confused...totally confused..

After last night's discussion with my mum I had to promise her that I would break up with Jerry just for her to believe that all her 'talk' wasn't a waste. I got to school and decided to inform Mide and Farida of my decision, only for Mide to start her lecture on the one hundred and ninety ninth reasons why I shouldn't have told my mum that I had a boyfriend..

'Bukky, do you still think you're a baby?' Mide stated exasperated.

I didn't even know what to think anymore. Part of me still wanted to continue the relationship and I also couldn't bear lying to my mother.

Farida had not even uttered any statement since I told them. She was just watching us like a spectator.

Sometimes she'd look at Mide in such a way that even I can't comprehend and sometimes she'd look at me with pity. I wonder why though..

I was still perplexed as to why Farida remained mute when she should be advising me.

'Bukky you need to do what pleases you and what you like. Your mum isn't following you to school. She won't even know'.


'Won't you say anything?'

'And what do you expect her to say?'. Farida fired back.

Whoa...I was taken aback..Even Mide's mouth flew open in surprise. Farida seemed like she wanted to say more and she did.

'Must you force people to do things they don't want? Is it your problem if they break up?'.

As if waking up from a daze. Mide's facial expression morphed into an angry one...or so I thought.....

'Will you just shut up and just remain as mute as you could be you stupid dog'. Mide glared at Farida.

'You think I don't know what this is all about?'. Farida declared, her eyes glistening with tears. I hope I'm seeing correctly...tears...

'What are you talking about?'. Mide's eyes were filled with fear which was immediately replaced with mischief in a twinkle of an eye.....Or is it my imagination....

'I dare you to talk'. She scoffed at Farida who immediately cowered in fear... I think I'm imagining things...or how can she be afraid of her friend.....

I couldn't understand what was going on or what had been going on between them. I just stood there like a statue. I could not even bring myself to ask them what was happening.

One minute, I was informing them about my issue to ask for advice and another minute they started exchanging words. I didn't know what they were talking about but I did know one thing; they were keeping something from me and I needed to find out what it was.....soon I hope......

Before I could open my mouth to talk Farida had left...this must be serious.

I didn't know what Mide said to her that made her leave like that.

'What was that all about' I tried asking Mide but she quickly waved it off, acted as if nothing happened and placed her hands on my shoulders.

'Baby girl...we need to concentrate on Mr Jeremy Afolabi Daniels'

I turned red at her statement.

'How come you know his full name?'. I asked, smiling.

'Arrrmm....ermmm he's quite popular you know'. She looked shocked for a second before replying.....or am I thinking too much.....maybe.....


'Bukky this guy loves you. Don't throw away the love he has for you. You have to make this work. Forget about what Farida said, she's just being sensitive. You can't break up with him..Do you know how he'd feel. Do you know what people would say. You guys have dated for week...think about don't want to hurt your crush...or do you?'.

I sighed clearly tired of everything.

'I have no intentions of hurting him but.....'

'Your mum, right....'

I nodded my head in acknowledgment.

'I told you already. You don't need to tell her anything'.


'No buts' she raised her index finger and shook it together with her head before she continued talking. 'Listen to aren't lying to your mum, you're just not saying the truth'.

'And what's the difference' I asked, irritated.

'That's what we call white lie...anytime she ask you, just try to divert her attention from it'

'I can't keep on doing that all the time'

'Then just tell her that you guys broke up already'.


'Look, Bukky I'm just trying to help you here. Jerry is your first crush and boyfriend. You guys just spent a week together and you want to break it off just because of one stupid promise you made to your mother. Do you even know how many girls want to be the girlfriend of the almighty Jerry. That boy is an hot cake. To think he even asked you out'. She said the last part in a whisper but I heard.

'And what are you trying to say' I raised my voice which came out angry.

'I'm sorry...I didn't mean it that way. I was just trying to help.....'

'Hold your help to yourself' I cut her off, walking away.

I was already pissed with everything going on and she just had to talk that way.

I appreciate the fact that she was trying to help but I was already frustrated. I didn't know what to do anymore.

I should end things with Jerry before things get out of hand right?

I should just disobey mum and go on with my love life right?

I'm seriously confused...

I need to think.....

Arrrrrrgh...I need to clear my head...

Author's note
Hiiiiiiiiiii darlings....
This is the third chapter for today.
I hope you enjoyed it...
If you did, kindly vote and share to your friends.
Happy new month🥰🥰
Welcome to my month💃💃💃
My month mates would agree with me that our month always bring blessings, happiness, goodness and smiles to everybody's face.😜😜🤪🤪.
We don't need to argue..
April-born are muah 👄👄🙈🙈
I still love you guys tho... irrespective of your birth month.
Do well to comment on your opinions about this book so far.....
Expect more chapters and unexpected events to unfold🤯🤯
I love you all..🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰


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