Chapter 6------At the Cafeteria

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"A person may lack the power of conversation but not the power of speech. If we say what we like, we may hear what we don't like."

I waited for this person to show his face and I wasn't surprised to see Dustin. The only thing bothering me was why Farida seemed to fear him.

'Well, well, well, who do we have here, the crazy bitch' he said facing me. Damn it! I've reached my limit. I actually wanted to forgive and forget but this guy called for it himself. Anything that happens now is not in my control.

I checked the time again and calculated in my head. Dropping the bottle of Fanta gently on the table, I looked up at him. At that point, I didn't care about the stares we were getting from everyone in the cafeteria.The boy needed to be put in place. He can't just go around and continue saying whatever he wants.

'Dusty or whatever your name is, I don't know you from anywhere but if you want to speak at all or behave like the jerk you are. I suggest you take a good look at yourself in the mirror and come up with a sensible dressing idea that would make you at least presentable, you look like a the zoo.'
With that I walked out of the cafeteria with Mide and Farida following me closely.

I can swear I saw a look of anger and surprise a while ago. I guess no one had ever talked to him that way.

Not long after, I heard Farida and Mide laughing from behind and I couldn't help but join in the laughter. I looked back to see Farida smiling happily like a log of wood was lifted off her shoulders. Her face was clouded with happiness.

If there is one thing I have learnt from reading, it is this; 'speak out for those who don't have a voice'.
Even though I didn't know what transpired between her and Dustin, I still felt happy that I kind of defended her indirectly.

Well, Dustin should better learn to caution his mouth and not go around with that his 'ruffled' mouth, or else I won't take it easy on him next time.

'Farida' I called. 'Yup' she answered still smiling. 'Don't you think I need to know what happened between you and Dustin' I asked making the smile on her face drop.

I knew something wasn't right. She looked scared and frightened. Just then, we heard the sound of the bell indicating that break was over. 'We will talk later' she mouthed and rushed to the class. 'She still finds it hard to discuss it with anyone' I heard Mide spoke from behind. 'I understand'. I answered and we made our way to the class. Before I got to the class, Farida had left for Literature class. Mide was in science department so we went for chemistry class together.

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After our class that day, the day went by a little too fast and I was more than surprised when I saw my father in front of his black HONDA CR-V beaming at us. This man is such a fine specimen 😋😋mum is so lucky to have an handsome man like him😁.

I looked to my right and left and saw that Efua and Kofi both had the same look on their face.

My father does not come early often not to talk of coming to school to pick us. His coming to school by that time meant only one thing; GOOD NEWS

As if our thoughts were aligned, we rushed down to my father's opened arms and gave him a bear hug with a look of content in our eyes. I was so sure the night would be more than interesting 🤭🤭

Author's note
Hi lovelies ..........
I'll be posting the next chapter after this. That'll make it a double update💃💃💃💃
Don't forget to press that star to colour it orange and pls comment.
Thank you😍😍😍😘😘😘😘

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