Chapter 18--------"See finish" lane

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'Your daughter did not only disgrace herself, she disgraced the whole school.'

'And you think the only solution is suspension.?'

'Well, they are both getting a suspension'

'Oh...and you feel he has to be suspended for what? One week? Was she by herself in those pictures? Huh? You think you can just suspend her on a case that isn't fully investigated? I demand thorough investigation'.

My mother banged her hand on the table, picked up her bag, gave the principal a menacing stare and pulled me out of the office.

To say I was confused was an understatement. It all looked like a staged play. How could I be given a two weeks suspension and Jerry, just one week when our offence was the same. It didn't make any sense at all.

My mum was not even having it. She was quiet all through our journey to I do not know where, while fuming with anger. I, on the other hand was waiting for what was to come. One thing was still confusing; Why did they do it and why was I the target or should I say victim now...

I remained quiet for the rest of the journey, with my full attention on the busy and bustling road of Lagos, hawkers running after cars up and down, just anything to distract me.

I didn't even know when we got to the front of the boutique, the only thing that brought me back to life was the sudden halt of the car.

My mum didn't even bother looking at my side. She just got out of the car and closed the door calmly.

Okayyyy...that was unexpected...Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

With the way she was quiet in the car with anger written all over her face and smoke coming out of her ears and nostrils..okay I'm being sarcastic..but she was indeed fuming with anger. Maybe I wasn't looking at her but I could feel the way she was driving aggressively. I want to start remembering  the number of times the car entered portholes and how my innocent butt kept on bouncing hardly on the seat together with my smooth face hitting the window every now and then.

One would think she would slam the door in such a way that the hand of the Lord would move. But she did not? I just hope I am safe. She was probably trying not to hurt her "baby"  by slamming "her"  door.

I got out of the car and went inside, slowly dragging my feet and looking for mum. I didn't know what to do. I expected her to shout and yabb me but this silent treatment is killing...Should I be happy that she is not talking about the whole issue or I should be afraid. She is obviously angry...with me? I'm not sure. Why she is holding back yabbing me...I do not know.

Could anyone be more confused as me? Stupido, who's supposed to answer you..

'Bukky, come over here' I heard my mum's excited voice and it was shocking. For someone who was supposed to dash me a Nigerian mother's hot slap...what? I deserved it.  Guys... I seek your prayers.

'Ehh... Is this Bukky? Oh my God. She has grown so big o'.

No f**king way...someone should just save me from this situation in which I would soon become the topic of discussion.

I looked up at the woman that just spoke and gave her one of my fake smiles. You know those smiles of can you just greet me and let me get the hell out of your presence ma'am?.

She was on low cut and wore a short gown that was in contrast to her facial features that showed someone in her late forties. She was looking sweet sixteen... exaggerating much? ... But she was a pretty woman with small stature. I just hope she would not say something to fall my hand.

'Ehn? Is that how to greet your elders?...ehhhhhh... children of nowadays. Will you kneel down and greet me properly my friend'. Right there I knew I shouldn't have expected more. I had to kneel on my two knees to satisfy madam "children of nowadays".

'Ehn ehn, good child'. She adjusted her glasses, possibly recommended and sat on the chair closest to her with my mum following suit.

My mum was just smiling all through everything. Really?

'So, how are you Bukola'

'I'm fine, thank you ma'. I replied, of course on my feet.

'How is school?'

'School is...'

'Come to think of it..Why is she here and not in school by this time'. She didn't even allow me to answer, she just faced my mother and demanded answer.

Okay..I hope mum would help me this once..just this once. You haven't learnt your lesson of not expecting too much, have you?.

'Errrmm... She had an issue at school'.

Oh no...this is not going to be good.

'Nothing that we haven't handled'. My mum quickly added in a stern tone, enough to explain that no further question(s) is required.

'Bukky, this is Aunty Jomo, your dad's cousin'. That explains the "is that how to greet your elders" part. Yoruba genes at work...I guess.. no offense. I nodded my head in acknowledgment.

'I remember when I use to wash her bumbum...those days that she would be running around with pant up and down...omo naa ti wa di big girl bayi (the child too has become a big girl now)'.  Aunty Jomo continued from where she stopped without minding the employees that were already giving me those weird  smiles.

I just stood there glaring at any of them my eyes come in contact with.

After what felt like forever  with my mum chipping in anything... mothers can be so "supportive"... and them laughing hysterically coupled with me giving them smiles of can you guys  just stop embarrassing  this innocent baby girl ,  I stylishly escaped the see finish lane.

Author's note.
It is of great  joy that I wish everyone of you a Happy New Year.
I pray this year brings to us blessings from the Most High, success in all of our endeavours and unlimited joy of the Lord.

I pray for good health for you and me and...🌝strength for quick updates this year😶.

Eyin fans mhi...we go again this year✌️✌️✌️✌️.

Always remember that God loves you🤗🤗 and.....I talk a lot..I know😌....don't forget to vote, comment and don't know how much it means to me🥺.

Welcome to 2023...💃💃💃....The best year yet😘😘.

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