𝑁𝑒𝑤 𝑌𝑜𝑟𝑘

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It had finally come. Corpse was on his way to pick up Chase from her apartment at 4:30 am so they could catch their flight for New York at 6:45. Chase couldn't be more nervous, she was pacing in her apartment. Just a week ago she was getting drunk with Rachel on her balcony and now she was having a panic attack. She was so fucking scared. Her biggest fear was her parents. She was going to have to kill them. She didn't have a choice. If she wanted this nightmare to end, she was going to have to murder her parents. She had everything planned out, while everyone was drunk on the rooftop tonight, she would pull her parents to talk to them about her leaving. Then she'd put a bullet through their skulls.

Her hands were shaking and tears were falling down her face. Corpse didn't bother knocking and just walked in, he saw his panicked, and scared girlfriend and quickly held her. She was shaking her head. "I have to kill them." She said, "Sh, don't talk, breath, just breathe." He told her. All she could do was nod and hold him closer. "Iv got you." He told her. He didn't need a response, all he needed was the tight grip she had on him. "You aren't going alone I have you." He told her. She didn't bother fighting him anymore. She knew he wasn't going to let her go in alone.

"We have to go." Chase said, and let go of corpse as she whipped her tears. He looked at her with sorrow. "I'll be right next to you ok?" He told her. With tears in her eyes she nodded and kissed his lips. He grabbed his bag, and put his arm around her waist as they went down to the jeep.

They loaded up their bags and got into the front seats. His hand grabbed her and they drove off. Chase played with the rings on his hand. He noticed her slip off one of the beaded bracelets on her hand and slip it onto his wrist, then she brought the bracket to her mouth and placed a gentle kiss on it. He noticed it said 'sad bitch' on it. He smirked as he kissed her hand. "I like it." Was all he said, before he slipped one of his pinky rings on her middle finger, knowing full well it said, 'Fuck you' on it. He caught a glimpse of her smile and heard her snicker.

What he didn't notice was she snapped a photo of their hands and sent it to Rachel on Snapchat.

What he didn't notice was she snapped a photo of their hands and sent it to Rachel on Snapchat

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The two soaked up every moment as they drove, it was quite but the good quite. The kind of quite where your saying a thousand words with none. Where your creating a melody with no music. Where your in a movie yet no cameras are around. Where you are a character and your life is a set. Where nothing feels real. Where everything is surreal.

It was in that quite Corpse had realized, this was the girl he loved. He got up at the ass crack of dawn to drive him and her ass to the airport and help her kill her family. He was just simply sitting around in an among us lobby when the love of his young life walked into his life.

In that same quite, chase realized she wasn't here because she was in love with idea of having friends, having a life. Because in reality her life was kinda fucked. She wasn't in love with the idea of finding love. Instead she was in love with the man next to her, the man who would clearly do anything for her.

The silent said a thousand words. A thousand different things. But the loudest, and the most clear was,

I love you.


Planes gave corpse anxiety, how was he supposed to trust this metal thing in the air to not just fall in the sky? It wasn't that out of the ordinary for him to think of the worst possible situation, which normally involved death. Chase was on her laptop editing, and corpse was listening to music from his phone. His fingers drummed to the beat of 'Under the influence' by Eminem on chases thigh and she didn't mind.

In fact, chase found pleasure on this, it calmed both her and corpse. She was distracting herself with work, which always seemed to be an easy outlet. Not always healthy, but easy.

The flight attendants brought them gold fish and water, making them have a quick snack break before they went back to what they were doing.

2 hours later they had landed in New York. It was a rather unsettling thought, but it was reality. Chase quickly stowed her laptop in her back pack before they got off the plane and went to baggage claim.

After all the bags were secured, corpse called an Uber and they were on their way to chases old apartment. Well penthouse. She took off her sweat pants and hoodie and underneath her Clothes was a black turtle neck along with a black sleek skirt. She grabbed black Chanel sunglasses from her backpack and re did her makeup. Corpse watched her carefully, wondering why the fuck she was doing this, and how she was wearing what she was was underneath.

"What, you act like I'm not wanted." Chase told him quietly. She slipped her Ugg's into her bag and changed them for black thigh highs. "Don't you think I'll look a little off next to you?" Corpse asked her. "I'm not an idiot." Chase told him, and handed him a black puffy jacket, and black turtle neck, along with matching black sunglasses. She then tossed him black sock Balenciagas. "When you buy all this?" He asked her. "Last week, hope those fit." She told him.

Corpse changed his top into what she had given him, he realized the sun glasses should become part of his usual attire. Not only did they hide his identity, but they were stylish.

As the Uber pulled up to the penthouse he was hesitant, "is this the right place?" He asked. "Yes, thank you." Chase said quickly and got out of the car. She grabbed her luggage, and corpse grabbed his before they went inside the building. "It has been a long time since iv been in here." Chase whispered. The black marble floors started giving her memories of when her and Casey would sit out here and play poker while mum and father in a meeting. "It's very mafia." Corpse told her. She smirked as she walked over to the front desk.

"Wellerman, floors 10 and 12." She told him. He looked up at her, his eyes wide. "Wellerman, since when are you back in town." He asked, Chase didn't reply she just looked straight ahead. He swallowed and placed the key on the counter, "Welcome home." He said. "Mhm." Was all she said before she left all their luggage for him to carry.

"Jesus christ chase." He whispered. "You wanna survive, it's time to act like a mafia member." She told him. "Yes ma'am." He muttered loud enough to make her smirk.

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