Chapter 7: Meet the family kidnappers

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The food there was amazing! It was so delicious I was almost sad that we had to leave. We brought home left overs and food for about 20 people. When we brought it back to the place I was being kept I got a good look at the place. It looked like a tiny house maybe one story.

I remember the giant doors. " not possible, this isn't the place. Ours is bigger." I said quickly. Seth ignored me and went inside. When I went inside I felt a wave of vertigo, I looked back and saw the two giant doors.

We walked up the staircase to a mysterious 5th floor that wasn't supposed to exist. We went and turned into a building bigger than my room. It was the kitchen. Inside there were three girls and the two boys. All three girls looked identical, and one boy looked like Seth and the other was the boy from the room.

I stared in shock " why are there three Girls and Two other boys!!?" I stuttered. Seth, seeing my expression laughed. He leaned close to me, so close I could hear his heart beat. "The girls are Jessy, Jes, and Jen the triplets. The boy that looks like me is my twin husband name is Shawn, and the boy sitting across from Shawn is Alex." he said conspiritoreally. " Beware of Shawn he is a flirt, and Alex is a smart mouth." he said in a whisper. I giggled at his comment which made everyone look at us. My face turned red, "Shawn what are you doing with kick?" asked Seth or Shawn's twin.

"Wait, hold on, who is who?" I asked the twins. "I'm Seth!" "I'm Shawn!" they said at the same time. I walked over to a table and sat down heavily and grabbed my head. I stood up unsteadily then scrutinized both of them. I pointed to one of the twins "you're Seth!" I said confidently. "How sure are you?!" he asked with a cocky grin. His reaction to my statement proved it. "Positive!" I said in a happy tone. I walked over to the triplets and put down the food on their table. Then sat down with them at the table.

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