The Last Chapter (in this book)

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Life was, almost perfect. Angels weren't chasing me down, none of my friends were missing. I didn't have to go to school. I was getting demon killing lessons. I was relearning the way of the sword with Elisha's help.

I curled up against Austin's side and his arm tightened around me. It had been a month since we rescued Austin and much to my reluctance I finally went on a date with him. We had gone on four other date and this was our fifth.

We were in a dark movie theater watching a horror movie. I had started sitting in a separate chair, but then I had moved to Austin's lap. At first it was awkward but then I didn't care much.

It felt so good to just be with Austin. The only problem was Elisha. He absolutely loathed Austin, he would was acting very childish if you asked me, but no one did. When Austin and Elisha are around each other you can feel the static in the air.

After that first night I spent with Austin, second bed appeared in my room so Austin slept in my room, every night. Which, since we were dating, was perfectly fine with me, the only problem was that since Austin got to sleep in my room all the other boys got to sleep in my room!

How did Shawn and Seth put it.... Ahhhhh yes I believe this is what they said "we need to protect you from the man, and make sure you two aren't very close together on one bed". Men are stupid, must I say more!? Idiots!

Austin squeezed his very nice arms around me. And whispered in my ear "hey babe, you okay? You look kinda mad." I released a breath I didn't know I was holding in and just nodded my head and smiled.

I tried, unsuccessfully, to get into the horror movie that was trying to showcase demons. I snickered as a 'demon' slashed up an idiot girl who had gone into the woods looking for Snookie her cat.

Seriously, if a bloody print showed up on my wall saying go away! I would go away. If my cat runs into the woods in the middle of the night, let her go I want to live.

Some people in the movie theater looked at me like I was insane. I just stuck my tongue out at them like I was three. Austin poked me on the nose.

"babe quite messing with the mundies." I frowned at him, but then smiled. "let's get out of here!" I pulled him by his hand down the isle then up and out the door.

I ran breathless out of the door and I unfolded my wings. Even though Austin couldn't see them, he was just far enough out of the way that they didn't touch him.

He smiled at me and asked "what was that about?" I grinned at him "come on let's go" and with that I hugged him tight and flapped my wings.

We ascend very quickly, and I was very glad I had decided to wear the black flowing dress with white leggings. We hurtled through the sky's flying fast.

Austin laughed and whipped his head side to side "where are we going!?" I grinned at him not answering, letting my mind guide me to the spot I had found in my angelic childhood.

We flew for what felt like hours until finally I landed high up on a miniature planet. I had found just outside star sector 8013-9864 and star sector 8103-6843.

My real dad hadnt aloud me to go all the way out here, but I had anyway. It was one of the most beautiful places I had ever seen.

It never needed to be taken care of, no one took care of it, no one lived here, it was no man's land and I had claimed it. It was a lovely garden most people could never even imagine, but I didnt have to imagine it because I already had it.

I twitched my wrist changing my black dress into a short sleeved thigh length flower dress.

I giggled as I saw Austin's awed look and skipped over and sat in a bowl of grass, careful not to get my dress wet. I giggled again as I watched Austin spin slowly around taking it all in.

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