Chapter 12: The Agel/ Austin's power

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Derek, the twins, and the triplets Burst into the room I was in with Elisha. They all pointed some sort of weapon towards him, I stepped Infront of him. "Don't you dare hurt my protecter!" I screamed at them.

They looked at each other then back at me. "Sasha you aren't a vampire, he can't be your protector." Said Seth. "I am not a vampire. I am an angel. I don't remember my real name but I do remember what I am." I said hotly. "Come on you just want to stay up here with Elisha all night cause he's a vampire!" Seth yelled at me.

I closed my eyes and concentrated. I heard startled gasps when I made my wings visible to them. "but" Shawn said then trailed off. "Angels aren't real, we would have know about them if they were." he continued. "Oh and exactly who is we? Who do you work for?" I asked indignantly. "Because from what I remember you never told me." I said quickly.

"Well we are called the agel and we technically work for the angel Gabriel since he's the one who made us. We are all trained from birth to hunt and kill demons. The time an angel supposedly came to earth was back at the very beginning of Mesopotamia. That was when the first agel were made." said one of the triplets.

I frowned, that sounded seriously familiar. By now everyone had lowered their weapons and Elisha had sheathed his fangs. "Hold on if I'm an angel why am I on earth." I asked turning to look at Elisha.

(Austin point of view)
I had been stuck in the stupid chair for about a week. Then they stuck me in a cell with its own toilet. Since I had nothing to do I just worked my butt off with push ups, sit ups, jump squats, planks, and I actually started to practice old gymnastic moves. I did this everyday until they came.

They would bring strange things with them trying to get me to do something different to each of them. Sometimes I could complete the tasks other tasks I couldn't. They would bring items ranging from a hair ribbon to a frekin medieval sword!

I was doing a set of marine push ups when my door creaked open. The people came in and sat down on my small bed. I finished up my set of a hundred and sat down in front of them cross legged. I stared up at the three wizened old ladies who controlled everyone's fates.

I had tried just ignoring them and not responding, but if I did that then they would just stay in my room until I answered. I had tried overpowering them only to end up with a broken arm and a broken leg which they healed the next day. They also didn't give me food until I complete what they give me to do. I hated this place.

The second day I was here they told me that I was very powerful and that I was to fight on their side. Of course, I said no but the three hags just cackled and said it was going to happen no matter what I did.

All three combined had one eye and one tooth, but in their punisher form they have wings of leather and whips made out of liquid fire. Plus they each have two eyes and a full set of teeth that are sharpened to a needle point.

They sang in unison in a raspy, airy, off key voice my mind 'we are back to day so that we may play, with your special powers, that you are learning all about in your very own tower.' I nodded my acknowledgement. 'use this bow, to see our Foe, in their very own home.' They sang in my head. The one on the far left held out a little blue bow that had alittle bit of dried blood on the end. I reached out with my left hand and grabbed it.

I felt every millimeter of the bow, then I held it in both hands and felt for the connection it had to the person. Then I pulled on the connection reaching for the person it's self. When I did that it always reminded me of unraveling a giant ball of string.

I followed the connection until I found the end, the end seemed to have been cut which i know from experience isn't possible. I concentrate harder and see the rest of the string, sorry connection. In my mind I see a metal box connected to the connection. I spoke to the box "I mean no harm, I just want to look around. I will leave in 15 minutes and if I'm not gone you can destroy my essence." if I hadn't add that last part it would have never let me in.

It absorbed me into its brain. I gasped and opened my eyes. I was in someone else's body it seemed to be a girls body considering I was wearing a dress. I walked over to the person who I was inhabiting's keys and then went outside the apartment. I looked at the address and took a mental picture. I then went back inside and took a mental picture of the hotels name. I left the body right where I had entered it.

I followed the connection back my own body. I sucked in a deep breath and opened my eyes. 'what did you see, thaf makes you so displeased.' the fates sang in my head. I told them what I had discovered and where the person was located. They thanked me then left me alone to keep working out.

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