chapter 16: preperations

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"Hey guys we got a location." said Shawn as he walked into the kitchen. I frowned at him and spoke "what do you mean a location?" "you know, your friend. Austin, ring a bell!?" he asked annoyed. I just nodded my head "when do we get him?" I asked he responded "tonight."

I walked up the stairs and into the triplets room and sat down on a bed. "so I never really did ask but what was in Austin's house?" I asked them off handedly. One came over and sat on the bed next to mine looking me in the eyes. "well you see we like to call them ravengers because they trash the place, take the victim, and tend to rip out human splines and eat humans alive." said the triplet.

I frowned and layed my hands in my lap playing with them. "well the main reason I came up here was to ask to borrow some weapons, sooooooo you got some weapons I can borrow?" I asked them quickly. "sure thing wait here!" she chirped excitedly.

I sat there fidgeting, on the ancient oak bed. I placed my hands on either side of me and stuck them into the thick, fluffy blanket. The fluff tickled my fingers and the shaggy rug below tickled my toes. I cleared some dirty cloths off the bed and laid down on it.

I can't believe we are going to go save Austin! Gosh school feels like forever ago when I was human, a cheerleader, had a family. Wait what happened to my family! If they knew that I was gone they would have posters up every where, it would be on the internet, I would be getting calls.

I bolted up right and knocked my head against some ones head. "Ugh!!! What the hell!" yelled Alex. "Why are you in here!?!?" I asked him rubbing my sure to be bruised forehead. " Dude, I'm their freakin brother!! What's your excuse!!" he yelled at me.

I stood up and got right in his face. " I was getting some disguised weapons!! Is that good enough for you!!" I completely forgot about the other 3 people in the room at the moment. " oh yea go a head and take down more stuff! Here you want to know what you can my very own knife and here have a sword belt! Is that enough! Or do you want my room too!" he shouted sarcastically at me.

I reeled back, it had never occurred to me that he didn't like me. "Shut up Alex! Do you think she wanted to come here! We had to tie her up to a freakin chair for Scarlet's sake!" Jessy yelled at him. I chuckled alittle at the last few words she said.

I looked at her my malace seeping away, and noticed all the weapons she was carrying I rushed over to her and took some off the load. Just then Seth and Shawn burst into the room swords and guns drawn. "what's going on! Where's the danger!" "DIE BAD GUYS! DIE!" they both said at the same time. I gave Shawn a funny look and cocked an eyebrow "seriously?" I asked him and put my hands on my hip. "die bad guys. Die? Is the best you could come up with because at this point you probably couldn't even scare a fly." I continued.

All went quiet except for Alex who was still ranting about what a bitch I was. We all stared at him. When he realized we were all staring at him he stopped immediately and started to blush furiously.

"Damn what was that about?" asked Seth. I replied "Alex is mad at me and need to get some stuff off his chest so that we could work together better." I turned my attention back to Alex "isn't that right Alex?" I asked him severely.

He nodded his head and muttered alittle bit which i was able to hear thanks to my angel hearing. But to spare your clean, sensitive minds I will not tell you guys. I just ignored him and turned and looked at poor Jessy and set my stuff on the bed. I clapped my hands together and rubbed them together "so!" I began excitedly "which ones do I get to use!"

Hey guys i'm back. So i want to let you guys know about an awesome book i am reading. it is called True Love by @LilPenguinAlly. Its kinda a love story but there's alot more to it........ not going to spoil it anymore. READ IT!!!!!!!!!! I promise you will like it expecially if you liked obvioulsy me by AmbrosiaRose!
Oh hey just to let you know I LOVE watching game supernatural, so Hense the picture. It really had nothing to do with the book. Sorry.

So try to have fun without this book, dance a ............ dance, and watch the magical device people take for granted TV!!!!!!!! And please. try to be a potatoe. XD

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