Chapter 10: party

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"you guys really don't have to do this. I don't have to go." I said in an thankful tone. They had dressed me in a floor length sleave less black dress with silver and blue sparkles covering it. On either side of the dress there where thigh high slits that opened and closed as I walked.

They had also done my makeup with skill that I would never reach. Glitter dusted my cheekbones, nose and eyelids. They had pulled my bangs around to back of my head and pinned them their. They then curled the ends of my hair and gave some strapy shoes to wear.

I twirled in front of the floor length mirror and grinned. I looked amazing! Hugged all three of the triplets one by one. " thankyou soooo much! You guys are amazing." I smiled and started to walk out of the room.

When one of the triplets blocked the door, another stopped me, and the third said "where do you think your going. Your going to miss the best part!" she said enthusiastically. " and what's that?" I asked cautiously afraid of what she might say. "the weapons!!" she shrieked in giddy excitement.

She pulled me over to their walk in closet and opened up the door. Inside where weapons of all shapes and sizes, but most were swords, daggers, chaquerums, whips, and other stuff you need on an average day of monster hunting.

She walked in and threw out onto her dirty floor a couple of daggers, shieths, a few viels, and some jewelry. "Ummm, what do I need with all this stuff, and if I did bring it where would I put it?" I asked suddenly afraid.

"the viels have holy water in them if some vamps get unfriendly. All the daggers are blessed iron, to get rid of fairies, and silver for werwolfs. The bracelet gives you a boost of energy when you are in an emergency. The necklace functions as a shield if some one tries to attack you. Last buy not least, the earings are simply a communication device." said the same triplet that was in closet. She handed me each item, from the ground, explaining what they did.

The two other triplets then came over and started to show me where to place the weapons on my body. I had one dagger at the small of my back. Two daggers strapped to either thigh, and the viels were hidden in my boots (and one in my bra). I felt good knowing I had weapons on me and that I could defend myself decently enough.

"What type of party are we going to!" I demand confused by all the weapons. "uhh, duhhhh, a fun one!!" I said. I groaned inwardly

Great just great!! All I need is a ancient wizard and the prince for this to be a movie!"

We walked out the door prepared for anything. We were greeted by not three but FOUR boys!! "hey hope you guys don't mind but I brought a friend for our lovely kick to dance with." said one of the twins. I studied the man that was to be my date for the night. He wasn't bad looking but he wasn't the best guy out there. He had light brown hair and Carmel-brown eyes. He was about 6'3 and looked very well muscled. His skin, the little that I saw of it, was spaghetti noodle-tan. He had a scare running from the corner of his eye to his jaw.

Just then the triplets came into the hallway. "Derek!!" shrieked the triplets in unison. They ran up to the strange man I had never met and tackled him. I giggled at the enthusiasm the triplets showed. They were in a tangle of arms and legs on the floor trying to get up.

"you look nice tonight." said a hushed voice from behind. Thanks to all the commotion the triplets caused one of the twins had managed to sneak up behind me. "thanks. But I don't see why we are going to a party when we should be trying to save Austin." I replied quickly. The twin, I think is Shawn, was leaning over from behind me with his head resting on my left shoulder. One of his hands was twisting a strand of my hair.

I kicked backwards nailing him in the balls. "You guys shoulder learn by now not to stand behind me." I said trying not to laugh. The others in the hallway were hestarical. With Seth going "I told you to watch it! Good job kick!" I smiled, proud of myself, and walked over to Derek "Let's say we hit this show on the road." I said in a light hearted way. I grabbed his hand and started to lead him out the doors.

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