Chapter 15: Demon prince

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"What are you doing!!" screamed Elisha at me. I still had my eyes closed, attacking the angels, I still couldn't see them but I could hear there strong powerful wings beating. My attacks were sloppy, but I couldn't remember how to fix it. The angels were all around me but they were to fast and I couldn't hit one.

"oh pretty little princess, you are so great aren't you? Well don't worry you will marry him no matter how hard you try to hide." a masculine, deep voice said mockingly. I heard that voice before but where!?

(flash back)
"You still dont understand do you? You think this is just about you, no it's for your kingdom. You have to marry him to keep the peace." said the king. "but daddy I don't love him!! He is mean!" I screamed at the king in my 16 year old voice. "How do you know that you've never even met him! You will do this unless you want your friends and all you love to die!" he shouted at me.

My eyes started to tear up, but I didnt want him to see me cry. I ran out of the throne room and to my hiding spot. My hiding spot was in the split of a tree that had been struck by lightning. The tree was an old willow tree. The low hanging beaches hid the deep jagged cut that I liked to hide in.

The tree was in the Middle of the fretchional forest outside of the palace and city. I sat there and cried, I bawled my eyes dry. Since I couldn't cry anymore my body was just shaking with wracked sobs. Someone came in the trunk with me, they picked me up and put me on their lap then they wrapped me in their arms.

I turned into their chest, pressing into them and kept crying. The person smelled like jasmine, and very strong arms wrapped around me. "shh, shh, your safe don't worry, shh, shh, my sponsae, don't worry my amare, I am here and always will be." a man said in a husky, lilting tone. I looked, blinking tears out of my eyes looking at the boy.

He had blonde hair, black eyes with pupils as red as blood, black hawk wings, and bronze skin. I pulled back, suddenly realizing who he was. He was 20 and he was the demon prince, the man I was to marry. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to cause you trouble or frighten you." he said hurriedly as I started struggling to get out of his arms and the tree.

He got up to causing me to tumble to the ground. I cried out in pain because my ankle got yanked out of its socket. "Oh, I'm so sorry!" he said. He reached down and plucked me off the ground and cradled me close to his warm chest. I pushed away from him and his warm chest falling to the ground. I yelped as my foot hit the ground. I whimpered as I gently placed my foot down.
"Your ankle is dislocated you need help from my advisor, or your companion besides you can't even walk." he said worriedly. "no really i thought I was just peachy" I said my throat damaged from all my crying.

He chuckled and crouched down beside my leg. "well I'm going to have to put it in its socket if you won't let my advisor help or your companion." he said, looking me in the eyes. I bit my lip and nodded.

He placed his warm hands on my ankle, "this is going to hurt ready 1" I screamed. I had been waiting for 3 but the boy just went on 1! "What the, errrrrrrrr, what is wrong...... Ugh nevermind, just take me home." I yelled at him. He cocked an eyebrow at me and lifted me back up against his chest. I huddled against it feeling the chilly breeze.

The sun was setting as the demon prince took off holding me in his arms. "My prince do you need anything I heard a yell." the demon prince's advisor said. I frowned at him on the edge of sleep "actually yes i think it would be best if you took her home." said the demon prince.

He tried to hand me off but I grabbed on to his neck and mumbled "no don't leave, I don't even know your name?" he chuckled and wrapped me in his arms and kissed me softly. " my name is......

(end of flash back)
I gasped and opened my eyes and met the gaze of the advisor. All the angels still fighting the twins and Elisha but no one seemed to notice what had just happened. The prince had told me his name but I couldn't remember it or anything else.

He smiled at me "you will marry him. Let's go." he said then called to the others. They all took off flinging the twins off and sending them to the ground. Elisha was dazed and blinking, like he was coming out of a dream. "Get Shawn!" I screamed at him and dove.

I tucked in my wings and angled my body. The city was hurtling towards us fast. I willed myself to go faster and finally, I caught him. He grabbed on to me tightly. I gradually opened up my wings not wanting them to break and we drifted lazily back to their balcony. His feet hit the ground before mine did.

I collapsed to the ground not able to stay awake any longer. The last thing I remember is being picked up and cradled against Seth's chest, and being placed in my bed. I think he kissed me again but I'm not sure.

I sat on the table with my legs crossed, eating a bowl of cereal. I chewed and swallowed trying to remember his name. "have you remembered his name yet? We need his name to be able to find him and, errrr ummm, kill him." I shook my head and examined my bowl of frosted flakes. I hopped off the table and walked over to the cupboards and grabbed the bin of sugar. I walked back over to the table and dumped some of the sugar into my cereal. "I don't remember his real name. I just remember what the demons called him. They called him star slayer." I said and finished off my sweetened cereal.

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