Chapter 14: Angel attack

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I lay in my room contemplating life. I stared out the window into empty blue sky. It was a dark cobalt color with stark pink, orange, and white strips in the sky. The rays of light slowly started to fade away.

When suddenly I saw a stark white flash through the air across that sky. Was that a shooting star? No couldn't be, it was to brief. I got out of bed and walked over to the window. I was leaning out of the window with my back facing the three story drop. I leaned out farther trying to get a better look when, I it happened I slipped. I fell through open space waiting to hit the ground when I remembered my wings. I snapped them open and shot upwards in a gust of wind. A pair of hands grabbed my legs.

I desperately tried to shake the person of! "What are you doing! Get inside now!!" I looked down to see Elisha holding on for dear life trying not to get launched off to space. "Let go of me!!" I screamed and kicked him off. If he wanted to fly he can use his own wings. He disappeared below me. There now that was taken care of. I started to fly higher towards the meteor shower when something slammed into my back. Pinning my wings to my side.

"Get inside now." Elisha said in a deadly calm tone. It was just then that I noticed the white lights hurtling towards us in the dark sky. He let go of me and I fell again heading towards the ground. I screamed, I was a few stories from the ground when I something grabbed my ankle.

I jerked to a stop, I was so close to the ground I could count the individual particles of sand. I saw an ant out of the corner of my eye. It crawled around alittle bit then picked up a crumb. I felt a tugging sensation on my ankle as I was pulled up by something.

I looked up and saw a silvery cord running up the side of the building to a invisible story. I swung back and forth on the rope until I was high enough to catch the silvery cord in my hand. I climbed up it, hand over hand, the people still pulling the rope up. I finally reached the bottom of a balcony, and I grabbed the lip of the rail but couldn't lift myself over it thanks to my exhausting climb.

Two sets of hands reached down and grabbed an arm each and heaved me over the side. I looked up into the faces of Seth and Shawn. "Thanks." I manage to gasp out. They nodded then pulled me into their room. "oh yessssss, thank the byyyesssstanderssss and not the ssssnake that ssssaved your liffffe." a void hissed from behind me. The silvery cord was unwinding it's self on the floor and heading inside with the rest of us. "Thanks." I whispered to the snake really confused.

"where did you.." I started to say "oh he's our pet, we've had him forever. Isn't that right Bob." one of the twins said happily. "Shutup! The things will hear us! Wait, you named your magical pet snake Bob?" I asked incredulously. "Yep" "what do you mean things will hear us?" they both said at the same time. I just shook my head at them and motioned for them to come over while being quiet.

They moved across the normally groaning floor with ease, not making a sound. They came over to the balcony with me, where we saw a dark figure fighting a dozen or so flying white orbs. The figure darted in front of the moon, flying gracefully through the air.

We stared in shock for awhile until I realized that the figure, Elisha, was in trouble and needed our help. I opened the balcony doors "who wants a ride?" I ask them in a joking tone but dead serious.

"ouh! Oh! I do!" one of the twins shouted as one just simply came over and wrapped his arms around my neck. "Okay then." I said flustered by the contact of our skin meeting. I was in my pjs before it had happened, so I had on a tank top and volleyball shorts. I flung myself over the balcony with Seth clinging desperately to my neck. I snapped my wings open and we shot upwards toward Elisha and the orbs.

As we got closer I noticed that the orbs where men with wings. I froze, my wings still flapping, and Seth still clinging to my neck. "I told you to go!" Elisha yelled at me when he fended off the strike an angel delivered. He turned and looked at me his hair a disheveled mess. It was just then that I noticed what he was wearing. All he was wearing was a pair of sweat pants.

I looked down at Seth "I'm going to drop you onto one of the angels. Can you handle that?" I asked. He pulled up on my neck and our lips met for an instant. He swung one of his arms around more securely and reached down with the other one and pulled a blade out of his boot. "drop me off one that one." he pointed to an angel with blond hair and blue eyes with three scars running down from his forehead all the way to his chin.

It took me a moment to respond. He just kissed me. I think he just kissed me! I flew up higher into the pitch black sky decorated with a bright splash of stars. I flew over the battle and dropped off Seth then I tucked in my wings and dove heading back to get Shawn.

I dropped Shawn off similarly to Seth except for the kissing part. I went down to wait, when of the twins fell I caught them and dropped them on some other angel.

Then the angels started to notice me. They started to just target me! "Pull your swords out!" Elisha yelled at me "I don't have any!!! Much less know how to use them." "reach down between your wings!" he said as he fended off an attack. I reached back and felt two leather shafts. I reached both arms back and pulled them up and over my head. I closed my eyes trying to remember. I held the swords out in front of me protecting my face and attacked!

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