Chapter 13: Matching scars

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"Okay if angels are all powerful, why do you have a simple vampire as a protector?" asked Seth his, blue almost violet, eyes filled with curiosity. "Oh every angel gets one, we are matched at birth. They are with us every day until the day one of us dies. Besides we don't really think of them as protectors more like companions." I answered.

Elisha interrupted me angry "I am not just a vampire I am the vampire PRINCE!!" "yea, yea, yea don't get your panties in a twist." Seth replied off handedly. Elisha stared at Seth taken aback, his mouth opening and closing like a fish. "Okay well why are you paired up with such an important vampire?" he asked me.

I ignored him "Elisha why am I on earth?" I asked the still Fuming Elisha. "Well" he said dragging out the word. "you were taken away at your 18th birthday party. They threw you down to earth and when you fell you de-aged. When you got to earth you were maybe a month old. A family adopted you and have had you ever since then." he said. He looked at me, his eyes full of sorrow and grabbed my hand." I'm so sorry." he said in a tone so low only I could hear it. I stared into his deep, dark, eyes seeing a spark of...... Something.

Seth butted in and whined " but you didnt answer my question from earlier!" I thought I said something really smart like but off, but it came out more like ughhhhhh, duhhhh. I cleared my throat, looked away from Elisha and looked at Seth." Angels and vampire's are paired with someone close to their station." I said not quite sure. I looked at Elisha for affirmation. He nodded his head stoically.

"Oh man! Someone messed up big time! Because he's a prince and your a......... actually I don't know what you are." said Shawn. I looked at him and cocked an eyebrow. "No seriously, for all I know your a guy or a mixed gender." he said. I glared at him. "Well if he is the vampire prince, which i am still not sure is true, then you must be the angel princess." replied one of the triplets.

I was going to reply when Elisha jumped in "Yes she is the angel princess, which is why I have been searching for her." "so my family, if I have any doesn't care?" I butted in. " Your father, the king, searched all of heaven for you I argued with him and everyone saying you were on earth. No one believed me so I came down myself to look for you." he said putting a hand on his forehead, and shaking his head to either side amazed.

"Um just how long have you been looking for me Elisha?" "Oh, I've only been looking for you for ahhh 18 years I think."

(Presents point of view.)
Me and my two sisters huddled around our master in our punisher form. We spoke in Lilith's mind 'the boy you have has past the test, and has yet to guess the extent.' we could have spoken aloud and on our own. But it just felt right for me, past, and future to sing it together in their minds.

We liked to call ourselves the time sisters, but people tend to call us the fates, or the furies. We each see a different part of time. I see the present and only the present. I could stop time and prolong the present, while Past sees all the history everywhere she is. Future sees the exact opposite of what Past sees.

Lilith tried to smile and spoke back 'good. I will speak to him now. He will be mine! He shall be mine for all eternity. Besides we need his power.'

(Austin's point of view)
I examined the ceiling. 1..2..3...4...5...6..7 I counted again and again. My glance flickered from the first tile to the second to the third and so on until I got to seven tiles. I sighed, I wasn't dealing well with isolation. No one would talk to me or sing in my head. I was trying not to go insane. I recognized the sound, but where was it from. I shut my eyes tight concentrating. It was the first or third day I was here when..... Oh crap. It's Lilith! 'hello my pet!' she said telipathicaly in a happy tone. She walked into my room wearing a sleave less top the was low backed showing off her ivory skin. Which is how I could tell her wings had been sawed off. I grimaced as she turned around to shut the door and I saw the stitches that so perfectly matched my own.

I stood up and touched her back gently. She turned into my arms and hugged me. I could feel every part of her against me.I pushed her off me. "What the Hell!" I yelled at her. She giggled in my mind then said telipathicaly ' of course silly where did you think I came from or ruled!' I frowned at the bad joke. She then said in a way that I could only describe as pouting 'most people would take advantage of the fact that I want to be with them because I'm royalty. But you didn't!' she said pissed off.

"Oh please don't get such a big head just cause your Lilith. Your still just a hoe!" I said in an off handed tone. She made an ear piercing shriek. All the windows shattered at once and my ears started to bleed I covered them with my hands. Trying to block out the noise.

It took me a while to realize that this was her laughing. She stalked over to me and back handed me so hard I flew across the small room and slammed into the wall leaving a crack in the concrete. I fell to the ground slumped over.

She walked over to me and kicked me to the ground. She raised her hand and muttered something telipathicaly. I flew up stuck to the wall. I couldn't move, she walked up to me and pressed her body against mine. It was feverishly hot and hard. I still couldn't move. She stopped the shriek and stared me in the eyes 'You are mine. You will do as I say. You where made to by my husband. I can make you do whatever I want and you can't do anything about it.' she said in an icy, dangerous tone.

To prove her point she released me from the freezing spell. I tried to punch her but my arm wouldn't obey my mind. I tried to kick her, to move a limb, to twitch my pinkie, nothing worked. All of a sudden my body started to move of its own accord. I walked over to Lilith and picked her up and layed her down on the bed and I hopped on top of her. She didn't move. She just grinned. My head started to move down towards her mouth, which had all of a sudden changed into a perfectly human mouth.

My lips met her firery hot lips. Her body arched against my own. My arms wrapped around her. My lips moved of their own accord. She wrapped her arms around me and ran her hand up my back under my shirt. She felt along the ridges of my matching scars. I screamed in my mind unable to do anything to stop it. Just then she pulled away from me and I got off of her. She smiled at me as she left my cell.

I felt it when the spell was broken. I shivered and rubbed myself viciously. That was the worst thing that had ever happened to me. But if I were telling the truth the last few seconds before she left I hadn't wanted to stop, and she had known it. She had released me from the spell half way through the kiss and when she pulled away she reapplied the spell. The only reason I stopped was because she made me.

Man, I guess I am going insane. I can't fall in love with the mother of demons.......... but........... What if i am?

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