chapter 17: Rescuing Austin

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(Austin's point of view)
Everyone has been acting weird all day. I have tried asking but they won't listen to me just a stupid prisoner. The mind training didn't happen today and Lilith didn't come like she normally did.

I rubbed the scars on my back where my sister cut off my wings. She always wanted to take my throne away from me, I just didn't know how much until she cut off my wings and threw me to earth. To 'help' me find my, engaged to be, wife.

She was beautiful, but I will probably never be able to find her. When the angel threw her from heaven they cast a diverting spell on her so that she wouldn't remember who she was and any angel or demon that came close to her would get their attention diverted from her and their Quest.

So it was possible I had already seen her but, very unlikely. I thought about the first time I met her for real. She had been crying the hollow of an old willow tree. I had gone in with her.

I wish I could go back to that simple time but now....... It's to late. I was supposed to marry the angel princess but now Lilith wants me. But I love the princess, crimson. She was beautiful, kind, has an attitude that could engulf the web. She ......... Was well amazing.

"Get up Lilith wants you prepared!" a guard yelled at me. He threw in a set clothes. I got off the bed and examined the clothing, he had given me a pair of baggy sweats and a hoodie. I put on the sweats and picked up the hoodie.

"what's going on?" I asked the guard lightly. He didn't even look at me, he just stood there like I hadn't said a word. "well that's rude." I walked back over to the bad and took off my shirt then put on the hoodie.

I layed back on the bed and looked over at the tiny desk I had with a pathetic alarm clock. Apparently it was 8:47 PM. I frowned wasn't it just noon? Nevermind but if my clock was right then I was supposed to have gotten my dinner by now.

What is going on!? It must be serious if there keeping food from a boy!

I layed down on my bed and closed my eyes.

About an hour later

BAM!! I flew off the bed and hit the wall. I moaned in agony and rolled onto my stomach.

"get up Austin get up!' a girl yelled at me. I moaned again and propped myself up on my elbows and looked up to see that the door had been blown off its hinges and had black scorch marks arching, in two specific areas, across the door.

I felt hands on my arms shaking me. "You are Austin, Right?" I just nodded my head still dazed. She helped me up and draped one of my arms around her shoulders and we started to walk out the door. "Hey guys I found Austin! Let's get out of here!" she yelled out into the hallway.

My foggy brain slowly started to work "Wait," I slurred. "I don't know who you are." I finished. I tried to push her away but I was still weak from the bomb and only succeeded in knocking us both to the ground.

"ugh! The demons will be back soon! We need to get out! You know scarlet right!?" she yelled at me as she picked herself up and came over to me. I had gotten up onto my wobbly feet. I nodded at her. "Scarlet is a friend so come with me so we can get you out!" she said trying to be calm.

"Alright lead the way." I said. The ringing in my ears faded and I shook my head back and forth. My thought process kicked back into gear and I studied the girl that was apparently a friend of Scarlet's.

She had a sharp angular face. Where her cheek bones and chin showed it looked like the skin was about to tear. She looked like a actor, or maybe a model, or even famous singer. She also had long blond hair that was about shoulder blade length. Her eyes were green.

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