ˏ ೃ⁀➷ 💖 Lots of Senpai Headcanons

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(Image credit to dead-or-lie-edits on Tumblr)

(Word count excluding this line: 868)

I know Senpai technically died after Roses, but let's say he got revived and went with Boyfriend and Girlfriend to the real world after they beat Spirit.

Also before you say Senpai and Spirit is the same person, please check their wikis, it literally says they are different entities. And yes the wikis can be trusted as not everyone can edit them.

Two chapters in one day and it's not even 12 PM yet.

╰┈➤all about him
He is tired of people arguing about whether he's a blonde or a ginger. His hair is strawberry blonde and even though it's kind of blonde, it's still a type of ginger. He's a ginger. He's a redhead.

He's actually very sweet, but he can get mad or jealous pretty quickly. He's also very petty.

He was pretty rich in the video game, but after he got pulled out of it he only had a bit of money in his bag.

^He is not used to having to think about prices when buying stuff and he's pretty spoiled, but he's working on it.

He knows a lot about baking and likes to bake cookies, muffins and cupcakes. He's not that good at baking cakes, but whatever he bakes always tastes good no matter how it looks like.

^He sucks at cooking. Sometimes he just ditches the bacon and eats chocolate chip cookies for breakfast. But he's a very good decorator and can make a dish of burned fish look good, even though it does not taste good at all.

He's a pansexual in denial, he has been ever since he was created because the player could technically be any gender.

He flirts with way too many people and gets surprised when they don't flirt back or fangirl, because he's used to people always doing that in his video game.

He loves anime, because he literally is anime.

^He also watches drama on Netflix. He doesn't like American cartoons because he doesn't get the humor.

He has been on r/niceguy on Reddit multiple times.

He misses being in his video game sometimes, but he's glad that he gets more freedom of actions and speech.

^Pixelated games give him pure nostalgia. He would compare the characters in the games to characters he met in his game.

He has a huge fear of insects, spiders and anything similar.

He cannot handle spicy food at all.

He is very good with children and can calm a baby crying in seconds.

His video game only includes spring and summer, so he literally does not know what snow is.

^When winter comes, he will stay inside freaking out about the clouds dissolving into ice-cold pounds of baby powder.

He posts a lot on many social medias, mainly pictures of himself or his fangirls.

^He was almost cancelled on Twitter for being accused of "using others' (Japanese) culture for clout", even though he literally is Japanese. He was also accused of very untrue and unholy things with no evidence. Twitter is scary.

Cherry blossoms are his favorite flowers. He also likes roses, obviously.

He had a bit of a god complex that went away a little after he got out of the game.

He almost can't go anywhere without secretly bringing a bouquet of roses just in case a pretty lady stops by.

╰┈➤with others
Boyfriend makes fun of his non-pixelated look.

He was mentally scarred for life after Girlfriend told him that an ugly squashed tomato with a face ripped his face and exploded out of him to have a rap battle about who gets to go back to the real world.

Boyfriend makes him mad whenever possible on purpose, just to get more roast ideas for future rap battles. His insults are just that good.

Boyfriend and Pico's height discussions irritate him, he does not get why people even care about how tall or short someone is.

^He's taller than Girlfriend but no one talks about it.

He has been driven to the point that he doesn't care if Girlfriend likes him or not anymore, he just wants to beat up Boyfriend and finally beat that tiny midget in a rap battle so he can laugh in his face.

He is scared of Pico's guns and Pico is scared of his weebu face.

Out of him, Boyfriend, Girlfriend and Pico, he's the only one with a healthy sleep schedule.

^He tries to get the others to sleep more / less, so that he doesn't need to check all the 585 messages he got in one night and so that Girlfriend answers his 8 AM messages earlier than 3 PM.

The only way to get him and Boyfriend to hang out without fighting is playing a multiplayer game with them on the same team, they're shockingly a good duo when one isn't yelling at the other.

He has experience with babysitting and has babysat Skid and Pump before.

^He was having trouble cooking for them so Monster / Lemon Demon showed up and made food no one ever wants to name of again. Senpai made halloween cupcakes afterwards so they ended on a good note.

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