15| Monster

173 8 2

Multiple POV's / Location Unknown 

The needles were back.

They poked into his spine and sent a shocking pain that continued into his leg, never receding, never fading. His aching muscles contracted as another set of the metal injectors, with a strange white liquid, were stabbed into his wrists. Half a dozen tiny bruises already littering the spot where the doctor had picked a new vein.

Kirishima could feel his blood, his very DNA curdle and shift as he was slowly being turned back into that thing. Every part of his mind was screaming STOP, until a cooling, welcoming sensation drooled over his screaming thoughts. No more roars just... emptiness. 

"How are we feeling?" Asked a voice so familiar in its squeaking tone that held a hidden evil. 

Somewhere behind those goggles and mustache was a man too far gone in his endeavors of science to see the line between good and evil. 

He was the doctor.

The tormentor.

The madman. 

There was another man, standing in the open doorway. His light blue hair fell in jagged lines over his shoulders and only one eye was visible through the hand placed over his cracked and peeling features. A sickly smile plastered on his face throughout Kirishima's transformation.

"Nothing I couldn't handle," replied a voice that didn't belong to Kirishima, yet his lips were the only ones moving. 


It was his voice, no longer restricted to the confines of the red-heads brain. It was a surprise, hearing it out loud, but the shock only lasted a second seeing as Narti had spent the good half of the year stuck inside Kirishima's head. By now he was used to hearing the mixture of Narti's two voices, one old and one young. The question of whether they were two people had more than once had been attempted, but Narti never really answered whenever Kiri asked.

"Good, then let us begin." The doctor walked away, the man with a hand covering his face followed. Kirishima- no, Narti- was left in the room alone. Well, not entirely. He still had Kirishima, who for reason unknown couldn't speak. His voice was gone, and only a strange screech came out anytime he tried to say something, anything. This wasn't how Narti spoke to him, and seeing as they had somehow reversed roles, Kirishima was left to wonder what exactly the doctor had done to them.

But then he heard the buzz, and the electricity shocked through the two of them before either of them could say anything

Only scream.


They were back in the tank. Or as far as Narti knew, just somewhere new. He was unconscious, but Kirishima was wide awake.

"Was this what it was like for him?" He wondered in his- Narti's head, "always there but never there?"

Whenever this was over, if it was ever over, he would apologize. Maybe even let him take control sometimes just to let him be a part of normal society. That is if whatever the doctor had in plan related to any of that, but no such luck. These bastards were crazy from the start no doubt. Kiri and Narti were just along for the ride.

Kirishima couldn't see anything other than what was around him, nor could he move. The only thing he could do was listen. And it was the same thing every time.

Kill them.

Kill them.

Kill them.

Sociopaths, am I right? Always in for the kill. 

Kirishima could feel himself shifting. His limbs becoming what was considered a new strength, into a new fear. He could feel his own mind fading, but somehow he stayed where he was. Stuck in the same place, held there by something familiar. Whatever it was, Kiri would have thanked it had he known what to thank.

Then suddenly he couldn't breath. The air mask was gone and he was drowning. He tried to scream for Narti, to wake him up and tell him to swim, but he didn't hear. The same screeching sound kept him from getting out that they were dying. That they needed air. But Narti didn't hear.

Kirishima tried to claw his way out, his real body not moving an inch. The spot where he was began to fill with black water, an inky substance that rose the more he tried to scream for help. It was at his neck, then his mouth.

"Narti! Please! I need help!" His head shrieked. 

Narti couldn't hear. Didn't hear. Didn't want to hear.

He was dying. He was dying. He was dying.

The water was in his mouth, in his lungs, filling him up until he couldn't see anything but black and dark and pain.


Welcome to my world kid. Happy trails.


:| so uh, I'm back? don't have anything to say but that.

this is a short chapter just to relay what Kiri is going thru, and I don't know how long the other chapters will be but I hope I can actually try and finish this thing without disappearing for almost a year again :D

I panicked, thought my writing wasn't good, and kind of abandoned this story, but after being back on Wattpad for the past few weeks I've come back and I am going to keep trying. sorry, a lot has been happening, but I hope this little chapter makes up for some of the time I've been away working on... things (mostly my mental health bc that shit was going down the deep end for a while and was left unattended to for some time) 

but yeah, hope you enjoyed.

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