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Hosu City / 10:15 / No Ones POV

"Where is he? He should have called by now?" A raspy, senile voice lashed out. His childish antics were tingling and he felt himself wanting to disintegrate the very man who was making him wait.

"Psh, I'm sure that old geezer's finally sick and tired of your pubescent ass." Dabi muttered, leaning against a rusty pole in the back of the room. Along with all the other junk in the room you could easily call the League of Villains new hideout a garbage dump with rabies. Shigaraki had to hold himself back from diminishing Dabi along with his damn ego as he glared threateningly at him.

"Dabi that wasn't very nice. Yea Shigi, your probably way to childish for his taste!" The two voices of Twice said as he dug through an almost empty potato chip bag. The food supply was getting low by now, they seriously needed some cash.

"Oh, here he is now Shigaraki!" Mr. Compress exclaimed, watching the screen in the back of the room come to life as he sat on the bed, which had no mattress it was just springs and foundation. You couldn't see it but Shigaraki's eyes widened the tiniest bit with delight as he sprinted over to the screen now with a video of a stout man with the strangest pair of goggles.

"Hello Shigaraki! You seem excited to see me." The short man mused, scanning the room and accounting everyone as present. The handy man gave a growl at his statement and backed away from the tv, crossing his arms to show his distaste. He wanted to get a move on with the plan, there was no time for nonsense now that Kurogiri was gone.

"Ah, the ever impatient I must say. Well, here's the good news, the boy has taken to his new power exactly as we expected! Not too much control yet but I'm sure those heroes can help him in time. They always do! And well, the bad news, it seems that some of his memories may be returning-"

"WHAT?!" Shigaraki shouted in anger. He was pissed, he had warned against this, he knew they should have just fully wiped his brain. That good for nothing-!

"Shigaraki calm down, let him explain." Spinner said, but anger was evident on his face. This clearly wasn't supposed to happen, and could really mess with their plan. It was supposed to be simple, but clearly simplicity was too much for the stubby doctor that made the boy into what he was today.

"Yes, I apologize. We should have continued with the mind wipe instead of leaving remnants of his mother, but it was amusing to see the look on his face when he realized what we were going to do to him. Very, very amusing." He implied, not leaving short his delight at the memory of the young boy's face as his head was twisted and replaced in ways only imagined, not ever before seen. And being as it was done by science and not a quirk, it was 10 times more painful.

Shigaraki contemplated, this was bad. If he recovered his memories somehow it would be the end times, for their plans and the League themselves. He held too much power within him after the experiments to be considered human anymore, and was far too strong for them. This was going to be tricky.

"But, I have a plan!" The doctor announced, a sly grin reaching past his cheekbones and receding to his ears like the fowl Grinch from the American kids book. Dabi grimaced at the face, Twice giving a similar reaction but with a gagging sound followed after. Toga patted him on the back, only gleaming with her strange habits of finding creepy things entertaining.

"Tell me more before I smash this TV. And you with it once I figure out where you are." Shigaraki hissed, already tired of hearing the short doctors squeaking voice. If he had the ability too he'd reach right through the screen and disintegrate him, but they needed the doctor for his— set of skills. The doctor gave a sheepish grin before taking out a small tablet and turning it so the screen was facing towards the room of villains.

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