3| Facility

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In the morning, 4 a.m / Aizawa POV-

I got on the private compartment Endeavor rented for us going to Goshizawa. The Aomori Prefecture was new to all of us so we had asked the police force in that area to do a quick sweep of the area to make sure we had a good idea of what we had ahead. 

"So what's the plan?" asked Kamui Woods. 

"We'll make sure that there aren't any nearby citizens and then see if there's a way in. I'm expecting it to be like Chisaki's place so just in case look for any underground entrances or little tricks in the walls. If you find anything contact the rest of the party. Then once we find Kirishima we'll need to be careful and keep the fighting to a minimum if we can. We don't want to create a scene." I say explaining what we needed to do. 

"And what do we need to do when we have Kirishima?" Fat Gum asks. 

"Be careful with him, make sure he's not injured anywhere and don't let anyone thats not on our side near him. Kurogiri said he doesn't have his memories so that might be a problem, but for now stick to that" I answer. "It'll be a few more hours before we get there so just get yourselves ready." I say.

I walk away and grab my sleeping bag but before I can get in I feel a hand grab my shoulder. 

"Aizawa... are you sure we're going to be able to save him?" Present Mic asks. I look at him and give him a small frown. 

"We don't really have a choice. He's been in that place for 10 months and is surrounded by people who hurt him. Just like... Eri." I say. My face turns to a small frown. 

"Hey, you okay?" he says. I take a deep breath. 

"All I'm trying to say is... we have to save him." 

We have too.

3 hours later-

I woke up with a start as someone shook me awake. 

"Aizawa, we're here." Present Mic says. I get out of my sleeping bag and sit myself up. Everyone else is at attention. The train stops and I stand up. 

"Ok, is everyone ready?" I say to them all. 

"Yeah!" Fat Gum says. 

"I'm ready to get my friend back." Suneater says determined. 

"Lets do this." Present Mic says. 

The door opens and we walk out onto the concrete leading to a band of police cars that would take us to the road near Goshizawa River. Me and Mic hopped in to one of the cars and I watched the city turn to a forest in a matter of minutes. The car stopped and me and Mic got out. 

It was a mediocre farm besides the fact that the actual barn looked as though it were about to collapse. I took a deep breath and we started to make our way to the building. We got to the door and slowly opened it as to not make the structure collapse on us. 

We walked in slowly ready for a fight that didn't come. Huh?...  I looked around at what was in the barn and it looked pretty normal as far as what I know a barn looks like. 

That's when I saw it.

In the facility-

"Hm so the heroes are here? About time." a voice says. A shadow then walks over to a speaker system. 

"Alright everyone! Time to abandon ship. Take your leave as you see fit. And Nomu... put up a nice clean fight, but no killing. We don't need them making assumptions..." the voice said darkening. The figure then stepped out of the room and towards a tall looming creature. 

Nomu [Kiribaku Angst]Where stories live. Discover now