4| Memories

903 28 26

Aomori Hospital / Saturday 7 a.m / No Ones POV-

Aizawa and Present Mic were conversing when Tsukauchi walked through the main door of the hospital. 

"Is he awake yet?" he asked stopping the heroes conversation. 

"Yeah, we were about to head down to his room. You're welcome to join us." Present Mic said to the detective. Tsukauchi nodded his head and they made their way to Kirishima's room. They knocked on the door and it opened to reveal a small woman who looked to be in her early 30's with tear streaks down her face. 

"Oh, Mr. Aizawa. I presume you're here to see my son? And you two as well?" the small brunette asked. She had come in the day before after getting the call that her son was finally found. She came running in crying and telling Mr. Aizawa and the other heroes how thankful she was to them. 

She was the only family that Kirishima had considering her family disowned her after finding out she was pregnant with him at 17. (She was raped and she is 33 now.). 

"Yes, is that alright with you Ms?" Tsukauchi asked the crimson eyed brunette who resembled Kirishima on a whole different level except for black hair. 

"Guess I know where he gets his looks from now" Aizawa said in his mind. 

"Yes, it's fine. Just warning you." she said stepping out of the doorway. 

"About what?" Aizawa asked confused. 

"You'll see" she said tears brimming her eyes. They walked in to see the redheaded teen looking at them with a blank stare. His hair wasn't spiked up like it usually was and his black roots had started to grow in. He had stitches where his missing limbs were because the medical care he was given at the facility wasn't the best. 

"Um, hi Kirishima" Present Mic said a little scared. He glared at them. The two heroes and detective looked at each other with shocked faces. 

"Mom, who are these people?" the teen asked keeping his eyes on the heroes and detective. 

"Um, they're the people who saved you Eijirou." she said giving him a small smile. 

"Oh..." he said changing his expression to a blank stare. 

"Ms. Kirishima, does he not remember anything?" Tsukauchi asked her. The small woman sighed and turned to them. 

"When I got here the doctors told me that after a few questions they came to the conclusion that he had amnesia or something like that. The only things that he could remember were a few dozen memories from his childhood and me. I'm thankful but I'm also saddened that he can't remember anything else. He can't even remember UA! And when I asked how he could only remember some of his childhood his answer surprised  me a bit." she said. 

"And what was that?" Aizawa asked. 

"They didn't want me to forget my own dear mother... Those were the exact words they told me when they hooked me up to the machines that apparently took away my memories." Kirishima answered for his mother with an annoyed look aimed at the three men. The three looked at him concern and shock mixed together on their faces. 

The three of them knew that his memories would be gone but this surprised them a little. 

"I've tried helping him remember a few things but I don't think that that will help. He needs something, but I don't what that is. All I know is that it's not a medicine. The doctors have tried about everything." the brunette said sadly. Tears began to fall down her face. 

"Hey mom don't cry..." the teen said calmly to his mother. 

"I'm sorry Eijirou. I should be strong. Like you." she said and flashed an all too familiar smile. 

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