1| Limbs

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Okay this idea popped out of thin air and I just had to make a story out of it.

A warning though before you start...

There are some explicit gore parts, so if you don't like that stuff just skip it or don't read this at all cause there's gonna be a few. There is also PTSD, anxiety, auditory hallucination (more or less), and panic attacks, so if you're triggered by any of these either like I said skip or just don't read the story. 

It's angsty and that's how I want it and I don't have time for complainers. So just prepare yourself and try to enjoy this story. Ok? Ok.

Kirishima POV-

 I felt the walls around me. Every inch of the white concrete activating my nerves and sending a frenzy of warnings to my mind. I looked down at my calloused fingers and watched them move from brick to brick along the borders of my confinement. 

The only sound in the room was the scrapping of my fingers and a tiny buzzing noise from the lights in the ceiling. I stopped moving when I reached the end of the wall. I walked away and sat on the floor trying to think of some form of entertainment. 

I wonder how long it's been? 

I looked around the room, my eyes scanning the limited extent of this cell. The small bed in the corner and the big metal door on the side of the wall were the only things in this room I liked to call hell. 

I began to play with the hem of my shirt when I heard the creaking of a metal door. I immediately stood up as two men walked in. 

Of course.

 I was all too familiar with this, so I just stuck my hands out almost begging them to get this over with. They walked over and tied my hands together and wrapped them to my torso.                            

We started to walk out the door and down the hall. It was all too nostalgic for me and so I just hung my head low. We walked down the normal path but then made a turn that was so new to me that on instinct my head shot up, my eyes going wide in fear and my body beginning to shake. 

We never did anything new like this. What's going on?

We walked into a room with too many machines to count. My eyes darting from one corner to the next in a frenzy. The two men threw me onto a metal table and I cringed as the cold substance hit my skin. They untied the ropes and chained my hands and feet to the table. I could feel the metal clawing into my skin but I didn't really care, I've felt worse. 

They walked out of the room as I hear another door open and by instinct turn my head towards the small window in the wall. A small man with green goggles and a bushy mustache was visible. This man had been my dealer of pain and mental insanity ever since I got here.

And the people here called him a doctor...

"Hello little boy, how are you today?" he asks into a microphone. I turn my head and stare at the opposite wall. "I presume that this is all new to you? Yes?" he said through the loud speaker. I continued to look at the opposite wall. 

Keep trying old man.

"Alright then, well today will be a simple procedure. Because your body is not ready for the chamber yet we will be removing a few 'attachments' on you" he continued. Suddenly a door that I didn't know of opened and someone walked in. I turned my head to the sound and saw a person with some sort of clear thing on his face and a white coat like everyone else.

 I kept my eyes on him as he went to the other side of the room and picked up a piece of cloth I'm guessing, and walked over to me. He then started to tie the cloth tightly around my right arm. After he was done with that he did the same to my upper left leg. I didn't think too much of it. The lights were hurting my eyes at this point but I didn't care. 

I had to keep my eyes on him. 

He walked over and grabbed something that I didn't see when I was thrown in here. He lifted it up high enough for me to see it. My eyes widened. I began to struggle against my restraints but it was all for nothing. He walked over to me and the saw started up. I close my eyes and waited for it to come... And then it came. 


I felt the saw cut right through my leg and the pain was unbearable. I felt a cold substance hit my face and arms. Suddenly my leg felt very light and I opened my eyes. There was blood everywhere. The crimson liquid pooled out of my now severed leg and onto the floor. The man then proceeded towards my right arm. I closed my eyes and the saw started up again. 

You've already heard my scream.

The saw dug into my skin and cut my arm clean off. There was more blood of course. I saw my arm right beside my face and I gagged. Occasional drips could be heard from the blood falling on the floor off of the saw and the metal table I was strapped to. My breath was low and shallow, my vision hazy and all I could see was the red dripping from my arm. I watched the man walk away and heard a heavy clunk of what I'm presuming was the saw. 

"No.. no m-more. Please.."

I suddenly felt a tug at my 'arm' and hissed in pain as a cloth was wrapped tightly around the stub of my arm. I could feel the blood seeping through the fabric; me not wanting to see anymore red closing my eyes shut tight, and I guess the man did too because he wrapped on a second cloth. He then did the same to my leg and walked out of the room. As he left I heard the machines in the room buzz to life and opened my eyes, slowly. 

I saw three small metal containers. They each then started to move and turned into small little creatures that I did not have a name for. They had square faces and little wheels on the bottom. One lifted itself up to the metal clamp on my now detached leg. It unlocked it and somehow picked up my leg. I heard another make its way to my right. I saw it lift itself like the other one and it did the same just with my arm. I don't know what the third one did but I suddenly smelt burning.

It was an awful smell.

A door opened again and in came the same two men, along with a wheelchair. They walked over and unchained my still attached limbs and picked me up. They then sat me down in the wheelchair, a smirk clear on their bastard faces. I had the chance to get a look at the small metal creatures but they were gone and I could only see small wheel tracks made out of a red substance on the floor. 

"Well done Kirishima! Well done! Now just get some good rest and in due time you will be ready!" the small man said. He then walked out of the windows view. A strange substance started to fall down my face. I had no idea what it was but I couldn't stop it. I wiped my face with my good hand and apparently the liquid was clear, mixing with the leftover blood on my fingers. 

We started to move and the guards took me back to my prison. They rolled me to the middle of the room, then left. Nothing more nothing less. The clear substance was streaming down my face by now and my breath was slow and raspy. 

I was a miserable sight. 

All I could do now was just sit here and look at the floor. The aching truth of all of this finally hitting me. I would forever be confined to this epitome of hell.

"Someone... help me..."

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