7| Different |Part 1|

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Hosu Hospital / 10 a.m / No Ones POV-

The wind was filled with autumn leaves. It was a nice end to fall. People were bickering in stores over the price of shirts and children were playing in the park near the hospital. They were all having fun, too much perhaps. For if they looked closer they would have seen the strange man walk into the hospital.

In the hospital-

"I'm allowed to go to UA?" the now black headed boy asked a small white creature. (He hasn't dyed his hair back). 

"Yes, we believe that it's the best idea since it may help us get your memory back faster than us just visiting you here continuously." Principal Nezu answered Kirishima. The teen nodded hesitantly. 

"You won't be participating but you will be involved in the classes and are allowed to watch them during physical training. We wish for you to start conversation here and there but we also just want you to feel comfortable. Do these conditions seem fair or do you wish to stay here?" Nezu asked the teen. Kirishima looked over to the table beside his bed and picked up the picture of the class. He stared at it for a few seconds before answering. 

"Yeah, I'll give it a try." he said smiling a little. 

"Great! We'll get your sleeping arrangements in order. Now Ms. Kirishima, does your son need help with a normal daily routine?" Nezu asked the young mother. 

"Not really but it can be a bit difficult sometimes because of the one arm and leg thing. I just need help pushing my wheelchair sometimes and actually getting in and out of bed. As well as getting dressed." Kirishima answered for his mother. 

"Hm, well I will make sure that someone is there in the times you'll need assistance. Do you have any other questions?" he asked. 

Kirishima looked at his mom and then back at Nezu. 

"No I'm good." he said. 

"Good, are you alright with going tomorrow or should I plan another day?" the small creature said before leaving. 

"No tomorrow sounds good."  the teen answered. Nezu gave a nod and then closed the door. 

"Wow... didn't think that I'd be leaving the hospital so soon. At least I'll have a change of scenery." Kirishima said.  

"Mhm that sounds good. I was nervous that you would go crazy if you stayed in here for any longer, but I'm happy that you'll be able to go to school and see your old friends again." his mother responded. 

"Yeah... my friends" he said looking at the photo once more. Suddenly an alarm went off. Kirishima's eyes widened. 

"Mom, what's going on?!" he asked in a shaky voice. 

"It's just the alarm Eijirou. I don't know what's happening, it might be an intruder. Let's get you out of here, ok." she said in a hurry to grab his wheelchair. The door flew open all of the sudden and in came one of the nurses. 

"There's a man in here and he's got a kid held captive. We've called the police but they haven't shown up yet." she said rushing over and helping my mom get me in the wheelchair. 

"A child?! Oh dear" Kirishima's mother says. They start to roll me out into the hallway when we see two figures walking our way. One is a tall bulky man and he's holding a small child in his hand. 

Ms. Kirishima and the nurse both gasp. The little boy who looks about 6 is crying and gasping for air as his captor has his hand tight around his neck. 

"Oh well looky here. Two beautiful ladies and some skimpy teen. I guess today's my lucky day." the man said with a smirk. 

"The one pushing the kid, come here" and as he said that he held up a gun and gestured to Kirishima's mother. Kirishima growled at him and grabbed his mother's arm. 

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