8| Different |Part 2|

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Kirishima's POV-

This isn't good. I'm getting my ass handed to me!  I hear a boom and look up. As I see the guy who attacked me jump down onto the concrete I see my mom a few feet behind him. 

Shit! Gotta take this somewhere else. 

"Kirishima?!" I turn my head and see that blonde headed boy. His face was fear struck and looked like he had no idea what the fuck was going on. I give him a 'back off' look and turn my attention back to the asshole in front of me. 

"What? Tired already?!" he yells at me. My gaze darkens and I place my 'foot' a few inches behind me incase I needed to dodge an attack. I didn't answer so I guess that pissed him off a little. He glared at me then started to sprint. 

As he got close enough I tried to dodge by moving to the side but he grabbed my arm and threw me into a building across the street. I recover and throw aside some rubble as I get up. I see the man above me and he grabs my head. 

"Can't you stop. You're making this harder than it already is." he said before throwing me back towards the hospital. I cringed as my back hit the hard concrete. As I stopped rolling I realized that I was struggling to get up for some reason. I managed to get on my knees and take a few shaky breathes. 

What the hell's happening?! I was fine just a minute ago. 

"Hey don't quit on me yet!" I heard the guy yell. I look up and see him running at me with his arm sharpening to a point. I put my hands down and at least try to get a little footing. I can't move. My eyes are a blur and my head is spinning. 

That's when I hear a loud explosion followed by someone yelling "DIE!". I feel a strange sense of warmth and a swift breeze as strong arms grab me and lift me over their shoulder. 

"Eraser I got him." I hear a strange voice say. 

"I'm so tired..." I say my voice slurring. 

"Kirishima! What the hell are you thinking?! You're more of a dumbass than I thought" I hear the voice say. I only grunt and then... black.

Bakugo's POV-

Did he just pass out?! I turn my head to see Kirishima just swinging side to side as I walk towards the medical area. I sigh and lay him down on one of the makeshift beds. 

That's when I hear a shout. I turn my head and see the guy who attacked Kirishima running back over to us. 

Damn it! That blast should have sent him at least a couple meters away. He looks pissed so I position myself in front of Kirishima and get ready to blast him again. As he gets closer I see a green blur and Deku uses his Detroit Smash or whatever it's called. I smirked and blasted myself forward. 

"DEKU! Get out of my way!" I yell as I send a blast towards the guy behind him, sending him about a block away. 

"Oh! Thanks Kacchan." the smug bastard says to me. 

"Whatever. Just don't get in my way." I say rearing up ready for another attack. This guy must really be determined to get to Kirishima. What's he made of?! He withstood my howitzer like it was nothing! Thoughts ran through my head, and one stood out to me like a lighthouse. 

What if he actually gets to Kirishima? 

"That's not happening..." I say in a low whisper. I hear ice behind me and Icy-Hot appears beside Deku. 

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