13| Replacement

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im so lazy, sorry

UA /  3:00  / Supports Department 

Kirishima's POV -

"I can just grow new ones, well, not yet, but still. Why do I need these?"

I could feel the girl's stare from across the room. Her name was Mei Hatsume, a really smart girl, but also is a bit... crazy. Too crazy for my taste, which is why she was now subjected to timeout.

"Come on Kirishima, you don't want to stay in a wheelchair forever do you? Plus, we don't really have any way to control those 'limbs' of yours." I gave Shinso a disapproving look, but he made a good point nonetheless. I did not want my butt to continuously keep going numb halfway through the day, the curse of my wretched wheelchair.

I scanned my eyes over the metallic arm and leg, what would be replacements for my lost appendages if I agreed to them. Crazy girl wasn't allowed to do this project because of her rowdy behavior, but had she been assigned to it? Well let's not ponder on that. They were painted a main black with super cool flames sprouting from the hand and foot on each. I wonder who had come up with that.

"They look awesome, but I'm not sure." I leaned myself back against my chair. It wasn't really a hard decision, but this was a big step, a step forward into forgetting what happened. Moving forward was my goal, and this was going to help. I didn't need to rely on what they gave me, their 'gift' only kept me alone, but I was done with being alone. I have friends now, people that can help me, people that I've grown to care about as well.

I say go for it.

I nodded my head, much to the confusion of the room which included Aizawa, Shinso, the teacher of the support class, crazy girl, and Principal Nezu.

I gave them all a smile, giving them the thumbs up. "Okay then, I'm in!"

I thought the room was about to burst into applause seeing their excited faces, well, as excited as Shinso and Aizawa could get anyway. 

Shinso's lips twitched upward slightly. "Wait till your classmates see this."


"No effing way." 

It was about a week before I finally decided to show my classmates the robotic limbs. I didn't want to walk in on my first try bumbling and falling over like an idiot, so I took some of time to practice, with Aizawa and Shinso's help of course. And I'd gotten an okay control on them, but I still had a ways to go.

"Kirishima those are so cool!" I smiled at Midoriya's compliment, walking forward slowly. I grabbed onto the couch as I neared it, my legs were shaking but I refused any help. Wow, not walking for a few months really made me a fish out of water.

"Uh, do you need any help?" Mina asked, worry lacing her smile. I giggled and shook my head, she nodded in return. I looked around the room, frowning when I couldn't find a certain blonde. Where was he? I felt a smirk directed at me from the other blonde, electric guy was giving me a knowing look and I frowned his way.

"What?" I asked, eyeing him suspiciously.

He sighed and shook his head. "Nothing. Cool leg." I pursed my lips then smiled, no need to let something ruin this moment. I was happy, so I should show it.

I walked around the room, kind of feeling like a model as my classmates stared in awe, or in Todoroki's case just watched with a stoic expression. I laughed and suddenly struck a pose, amusing the room. And that's when the late arrival showed up.

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