9| New (Old) Student

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UA / 8 a.m / Kirishima's POV-

I looked around the so called 'prestigious' school glancing at a few of the students. They all gave me concerned looks and that just made me regret coming to this school. I sighed and looked up at the guy pushing me. 

Aizawa looked more tired than he usually was and I kinda felt bad for the guy. I turned my attention to my uniform. It looked like everyone else's just the left sleeve of my pants was rolled up and my jacket hung loosely over my shoulder. 

I had dyed my hair red the night before, with my moms help of course, and it was in a small ponytail in the back. This makes me look so stupid. I looked up and saw some students whispering to each other and not so subtly pointing at me. I gave them a look that shut them up. I looked forward with a bored face as we stopped at a really big door. 

What the- I could hear chatter from inside the class. I looked to Aizawa and he motioned for me to knock on the door. After knocking I could hear the talking stop almost immediately. The door opened to reveal the pink girl with horns, Ashido I think her name was. 

"Kirishima!" she said a little too loudly. I felt uncomfortable as she gave me a big grin. "Ashido, let us in please." I heard Aizawa's voice. Guess I was right. 

She gave an eager nod and stepped out of the way. I was rolled into the room and saw most of the students in small groups, but they were all looking at me. I felt like I did back in the facility and cowered a little at all their stares. I think Aizawa noticed my flinch because he rolled me over to a desk in the back. 

As he walked off everyone suddenly came over to me and my eyes widened as they asked me about a million questions. They were all mostly about how I was doing and I just whispered that I was fine. 

"Hey, stop crowding him! Can't you see he's uncomfortable!" I heard a shout ring through the crowd. They all backed up and I saw Bakugo standing a few feet away with and angry look on his face. I gave him a 'I could have handled it' look and laid my head on my desk.  I heard him grunt and smiled to myself. For some reason I really liked pissing him off. 

"Alright to your seats." I heard Aizawa say to the class. As everyone reached their desks I was finally able to get a good look at the room. It was mostly normal, from what I remember, and looked like it was meant for a giant seeing how high up the ceiling was. Sadly I was behind that grape creep and groaned internally. I sighed and drowned out Aizawa's voice for the next few minutes. 

After a bit I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned my head to see the guy who went all Alpha male when I admitted I was trained to kill his little boyfriend. He pointed to everyone else getting up and grabbing these boxes from the wall. I looked back at him and asked if he could take me to Aizawa. He nodded and rolled me up to him. 

As I was sat beside Aizawa I watched as everyone exited the room. The hero guy then rolled me out of the room following behind the class. We rolled outside and Aizawa explained that we were going to a rescue facility somewhere on the campus. I nodded my head as we entered a bus using the ramp on the back. 

"Are all the buses equipped with ramps?" I asked wondering if this was only for me. 

"Yeah, we take into account anyone who needs it at UA." he answered. That made me feel a little better as I tried to entertain myself with a strip of the rubber lining the windows in the back as Aizawa buckled my wheelchair down. 

After a few minutes I heard footsteps and looked up to see everyone else entering in the costumes they had on during the attack at the hospital. From what I could tell most of them looked pretty stupid. Especially the sparkling dude, or whatever his name was. 

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