10| Truth

496 21 35

No Ones POV-

"What?..." the blonde asked looking at Kirishima with a frightened face. 

"They do. I don't think that they are able to control me at the moment. They might just be waiting for the right time to use me or are waiting for something to happen, I don't know. I just know that something's coming... and they're after me..." muttered the red head. 

"How do you know?" Bakugo asked looking at him concerned. Kirishima's eyes widened a little and there was a long pause. 

"Kirishima?" he asked slowly cupping the others cheek. Kirishima pushed his hand off and looked away. Bakugo pulled his hand back a little hurt. 

"You can tell me you know." he said looking at the ground. 

"I'd rather not." Kirishima said glaring at him a little. They sat there looking at each other for a few seconds before Bakugo sighed and got up. 

"Fine. Don't tell me." he said and grabbed the wheelchairs handles, continuing to roll him towards the dorms. They heard the door behind them open and Kirishima turned his head to see the rest of the classes exiting the building. He sighed and looked forward as they reached Class 1-A's dorm. 

"Kacchan! Are you taking Kirishima to his room now?" asked Midoriya. 

"Mind your own business Deku!" Bakugo yelled in retaliation. 

"Come on Kacchan! Can't we hang out with the guy? He did just get back." Kaminari piped in. Bakugo growled and then looked to Kirishima. 

"No. I just want to sleep." Kirishima said. The class exchanged sad looks and Bakugo frowned. 

"Oh sorry Kirishima. If your tired we'll leave you alone." Midoriya said sadly. 

"Thanks." Kirishima said lowering his head. 

"I'm gonna take him to his room." Bakugo said and pushed open the door before rolling Kirishima into the common room. They made their way to the elevator and Bakugo pushed the button to their floor. 

"Your room is next to mine so if you need something just call, but it better not be some stupid shit like give you a massage. Got it?" Bakugo said as the doors closed. Kirishima only nodded and rubbed his arm rest with his thumb. They got to their floor and Bakugo rolled Kirishima into his room. 

"You need help getting into the bed." Bakugo asked. Kirishima gave him a dumbstruck face and pointed at his missing limbs. Bakugo sighed and walked around the wheelchair, picking up Kirishima bridal style. He set him in the bed and threw the covers over him. 

"Does the princess need a tuck in as well?" Bakugo said with a smirk. 

Kirishima growled at him. That gotta laugh out of Bakugo and Kirishima tensed up at the weird sound. 

"Whatever I'm leaving." Bakugo said raising his hands and turning around. 

"Great." Kirishima said and laid down his head. As he heard the door close Kirishima got up into a sitting position. He looked around his room and saw a few posters with the words 'Crimson Riot' on it under a man with red hair. He then looked in the mirror in front of him and rubbed at his blind eye. 

A tear cascaded down his face followed by another and another. He didn't try to stop them, he just sat there and cried. He continued to cry for another few minutes before finally wiping them away and laying his head down again, and before he knew it he was asleep.

Next Day-

Kirishima woke up to one of the most annoying sounds in the universe. 

The alarm clock. 

Nomu [Kiribaku Angst]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें