16| Training

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Is this guy stupid or insane?

Kirishima watched as Bakugou sent punch after punch in Todoroki's direction. They had been going at it for more than an hour, and for every punch Bakugou threw, Todoroki met it with a block or a wall of ice. Kiri could tell Katsuki was getting tired of playing back and forth, and quite frankly it was starting to get cold in the training room. 

Kirishima looked to where Midoriya stood a few feet away, hands clasped around a notepad as he watched the two go at it. The red head sighed, knowing the guy would stay until one of them eventually tired out. Kirishima still didn't understand the boy's fascination with knowing everything about everyone he knew, and that included himself. The guy had pages of costume idea which stunned him when he first got a glimpse at one of his many notebooks.

Midoriya suddenly looked over at Kirishima, catching his stare and blushing as he scrunched up his notebook in embarrassment. Kirishima shook his head with a smile, patting the seat beside him in a motion for him to sit down. It took Midoriya a second to comprehend what Kirishima meant, but after a few seconds of what was most likely inner turmoil, he came and sat down beside Kirishima.

"You good man?" Kirishima asked. It had only been a couple of months since he had started back at school, and he thought he had at least gained most of his old classmates' trust back. It wasn't surprising that others still were wary around him, but it still hurt.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine." Midoriya sputtered, twiddling his thumbs together as he glanced from him to the other two still fighting. 

Kirishima nodded, looking back to the fight when he heard the familiar sound of paper and pen. He looked down to see Midoriya writing notes once again, his hands dipping down to write every minute detail he could. It was kind of cool to be honest.

"Do they do this often?"

"Hm?" Midoriya raised a questioning look at him.

"This? Train together? Do they do it often?" Kirishima repeated, waving his hand in their direction.

Midoriya made an 'oh' shape with his mouth, closing his notebook for the first time since they had got there and folded his hands together. 

"Basically," he said, "They've been doing this for a while now. They started training together after they had their extra classes to get their hero licenses. I started taking notes and sitting in on each session once Shoto told me about it. Why do you ask?"

Kirishima shrugged. "Just wondering. I can tell they know each others moves pretty well."

"You can tell? Just after an hour of watching them?" Midoriya's eyes sparkled. 

"I mean, they have been fighting like this for a good bit. And from what I can see Todoroki knows most of where Katsuki is gonna strike next, meaning he's gotten a hold on his fighting style. Sure its sporadic, but its calculated. He knows what he's doing."

"As can Kacchan," Midoriya continued, "After watching them for so long I've made note of how long each session lasts. They continuously go at it until one of them is literally on the floor. Trust me, I've seen it happen. Had to go get Recovery Girl for Kacchan one time because he was too stubborn to quit."

Kirishima laughed, knowing all too well what he meant. "Isn't that the truth!"

Midoriya smiled, the two giggling to themselves as they continued to pass back and forth their own commentary about whatever topic came up. Kirishima asked how him and Todoroki got together, at which Midoriya blushed profusely as he explained the entire 2 week long story about how both parties were extremely oblivious to their affections until Shoto just one day came up and straight out asked him on a date. It was adorable to say the least. Midoriya kept on shooting him questions about anything and everything. Literally if he could think of it, it would become a question that Kirishima would answer. Unless he didn't want to of course, which Midoriya made sure he knew everytime he asked.

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