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Somewhere in Hosu 6 Months After / Aizawa's POV-

As I was walking down the street towards my favorite restaurant my phone started to ring. 

"Hello, is this Eraserhead?" says the person on the other end. 

"Yes, what is it?" I reply in my same old monotone voice. 

" We need you down at the police station. We think he's ready to talk." he says. I stop walking. 

"Really?!" I say. 

"Mhm and you might be surprised at this, but... I think that he knows of Ejiro Kirishima's whereabouts." he says. I stop. Kirishima... I turn around and start running towards where I left my car. 

"I'll be there in five minutes" I say trying to find my keys. I hang up and swing my car door open. I hop in and start it up. I pull out and start zooming down the street. I reach the police station and run in. 

"Eraserhead! That was fast." Tsukauchi says coming up to me. 

"Where is he?" I ask with a threatening look. 

"This way. Follow me." Tsukauchi says walking down the hallway. We entered a room with a window on the wall and a chair in front of it. 

"Just sit there. You might be able to get something out of him." Tsukauchi says. I walk over to the chair and sit down. I look through the window to see the one person who might just know where Kirishima... my student... a hero.... had been for the past 10 months. 

"Hello, Kurogiri..."

In the facility-

Kirishima's POV-

"Hey! Get up damn it." A stern kick was sent to my stomach. I coughed up last nights meal of graham crackers and water. The person then started to roll me out of the room. We went down the normal path and then turned suddenly. 

This is the second time now... It was a dark room with thousands of tanks. And that wasn't even the scariest bit. It was what was inside that scared me shitless. Huge black creatures with menacing teeth and brains out for the world to see.

"You like the Nomu" the person pushing my chair says. I keep my head down. We come to a stop at one of the tanks. This one's empty though. The person then walks away and comes back with a contraption that he hooks to my head. It has a lot of wires and too many blinking lights to count. He then hooks up a clear tube with some weird thing onto my mouth. He walks away again and comes back with a needle and jabs it into my neck. Then my world goes blank.

Hosu Police Station-

"Ok let's get to the point. Where's Kirishima?" I say venom dripping from my every word. 

"Hm, and why do you think I know of his whereabouts?" Kurogiri says. I stand up. 

"Cut the crap bastard! He's been missing for 10 months and you're here in handcuffs pulling shit like that!"I yell. I'm pissed at this point. 

"Aizawa, you need to calm down." Tsukauchi says in the speaker. 

"No, let him continue. I'm interested in what he has to say. After all... he still hasn't found him after 305 days..." Kurogiri says.  I stop. "That's a very long time. Did you already presume that he was dead? Or perhaps give up like all those other heroes did when someone went missing for more than a couple of months only to be found 2 years later dead because a hero gave up?... Did you even try?" he continued. 

I lift my head up and look him straight in the face. "You think that I gave up? You think that I would let Kirishima, MY STUDENT, stay in your clutches?! I spent every single day trying to find him and it pissed me off even more when I couldn't even find a smidge of hope! So let me ask you something! Where. Is. Kirishima?" I said lowering my voice. There was a pause. 

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