Chapter three: A nightmare

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"Reviewed and edited"

"Mom? Dad? Suzi? Where are you guys?!" I yelled into the empty house, the walls felt like they were caving in, the voices I heard felt like they were screaming instead of whispering and the worst part was I was frozen in place.

I heard something running past me, I tried to look, but I couldn't even my neck was stiff. I waited for whatever it was, but it never showed itself.

"Y/n..." Something whispered, it didn't sound human enough to me, but do people ever sound human when they whisper?

Mom told me if I ever have dreams like this I just need to breath, count to ten and open my eyes again.

Closing my eyes, I took a big breath before counting.



Reopening my eyes I could move again, so I did the logical thing I started to run for my dear life, like an oompa loompa running away from it's consequences.

"Y/n..." I heard that same thing whisper, but it sounded really closer than before, as if it's right infront of me.

"Y/n!" Jumping up I looked to my two uncles to see they were sharing a look between themselves before looking back at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Why were you screaming my brother's name?" I looked to my right where I heard the unfamiliar voice and noticed two cute boys staring at me, I nearly choked on my own saliva when me and the white haired boy made eye contact.

"I don't know..." Is all I said before tilting my head slightly while still staring at the white haired boy who was looking at me with the same look, tilted look and curious running around behind the eyes, his cute I'll give him that.

Who am I kidding....his fucking hotter than my cousin's best friend.

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