Chapter nine: Cas shows up

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"Reviewed and edited"

"Dean! Sam!" I yelled, almost falling flat on my face, trying to look for them.

"Y/n?" I looked towards where I saw Will with dick, his curly friend and someone I don't know.

"Just run!" I yelled, hearing the groaning from behind me, growing closer than before.

"Where's Cas when you need him?" I asked myself, speeding up and nearly falling onto Will, luckily he caught me just in time.

"Whose Cas?" I heard someone whisper.

"His one of my best friends..." Is all I said, before charging up the stairs with the guys following me.

I ran to one of the doors, janked it open and let the guys run before I ran in and shut the door.

"What the fuck was that?!" I heard a unknown voice ask, whoever it is, they have a pretty deep voice if I do say so myself, wait, that has to be Brandon, Will mentioned him.

"I don't know." I heard curly fry say.

"Y/n, are you okay?" I nodded, before looking around in the room, that's when I saw a circle with salt, not a tiny circle, but a big one.

"I think my uncles are in here..." I mumbled, before continuing my walk to figure out some stuff.

"Just don't wander to far away." I heard Will say, before walking past the salt circle and seeing movement behind a....desk?

"Dean.? Sam.?" I asked, a total dumb move from a horror movie I know.

"Umm...not particularly." Wait. I know that voice.

"Cas?" I squealed. Yes I can do normal girl stuff.

"Hello Y/n." I tackled him into a hug before he caught me and spinned me before smiling down at me.

"How? When? Did my uncles do this?" I couldn't stop asking questions, because if I see Cas I know it's usually Sam's work.

"Well, they got sent to hell for a mission, so I'm here to make sure those boys don't hurt my innocent cinnamon roll." He said, ruffling my hair.

"Y/n?" I turned around to see Will giving a suspicious look at Cas who in return was staring Will down like his not worthy.

"No." Cas said, his tone was scary and I knew he didn't like Will, knowing his a stranger and all, that's when the other three also showed up.

"Who the hell are you?" Curly asked, folding his arms and glaring at Cas.

Looking at the audience. This is gonna be a long night of explaining to do.

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