Chapter four: Road trip of pain

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"Reviewed and edited"

You know what I don't like? When a girl screamed my name and then the Winchester brothers decided that it would help if they called me.

And my brother trying to be the crazy person he is, decided it'll be fun to ask the girl questions, when she just woke up, resulting in her and me making eye contact, not gonna lie, she's pretty, probably a little crazy, but pretty nonetheless.

Now why would I say crazy? Well, you see her uncles are weird, they have salt all around their house, they have seven million traps surrounding our town and they believe in demons, monsters, angels, supernatural beings if I have to say that.

Yes I do read books involving all of those, but come on, they don't exist, yes there is zombies, but there can't possibly be other stuff too...right?

"Danny....where are we going?" I heard my little brother ask.

"I said it before. We're going to a shopping center, we need more supplies." Dean said, sounding impatient.

Well I would be too if someone were to nag me for a lot of stuff, Kylo to be more specific.

"If we're there, do you think I can get some donuts, if they're still okay to eat, that is." For a fourteen year old, he I'd actually intelligent.

"Sam..." Looking up I saw y/n looking at her uncle.

"Yeah?" He asked, turning around so he can look at us all.

"Do I really have to sit in the middle?" She asked, more like whining if you were to ask me.

"Considering you're literally a girl and the shortest compared to all of us....yes." He said, before turning back and chuckling.

"I hate you." She said.

"No, you love us."

"Not all the time." She said, before folding her arms and murmuring weird stuff.

"How long?" Kylo asked.

"I'd say the next ten minutes...why?" Dean asked.

"I need to get to a bathroom..."

"Is your nose bleeding again?" I asked, looking over y/n's head to search my brother's face for any signs of his nose wanting to bleed.

"No, but I just need a bathroom." Oh, oh, I felt Dean press the gas a little more and I could see the shopping center not to far.

"You are not shitting on my seats, kid." Someone's protective.

Getting to the center Sam and Dean took Kylo to find a bathroom and to make sure the place was okay to stay overnight, but sadly they didn't take their little annoying niece with them.

"This is unfair." I heard her say.

"Why do I have to be stuck with a guy who thinks dying his hair white is cool?" She asked.

"Hey. I didn't choose to spend my life with a annoying twelve year old to begin with!" She was really starting to annoy me, I know screaming isn't solving anything but damn.

"At least my voice doesn't sound like some seductive dipshit and I'm seventeen you ignorant baboon!" Oh wow, are we roasting each other now?

"At least I don't have to struggle to reach the top shelf, little elf."

Your pov:

Oh it is so on, this fucking asshole thinks he can just call me whatever he fucking pleases?

"Luckily I don't fall for your stupid fuck boy attitude, you fucking asshole!" I turned around and walked away, mistake? Maybe.

But I really don't wanna say something I'm gonna regret later, to think I thought he was attractive, his personality says a lot more.

"At least I don't fantasize about someone I hardly know!"

"I don't even fucking know you, you moron!"

"Shame, is the elf running out of words?"

"Go fuck a little daycare zombie!"

"Ugh." I turned around to the sound to see a person staring at the two of us with the most bored expression on his face.

"Are you two done?" The person said, before showing himself from behind the shadow of the building.

"Arny?!" I heard that asshole squeal.

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