Chapter six: Unstoppable

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"Reviewed and edited"

Your pov;

You know what's hateful? People thinking they can walk over you like you don't exist and won't even apologize for being a dick towards you.

I noticed how they even decided what part was theirs, luckily I found a secret bunker where I can make my own personal space, since clearly I'm the only fucking girl between five guys.

Luckily it's an even number, but still, why is life being a dick towards me? All I want is my bed, wake up and see my little sister attacking me to take her to school, she adored school, only because she could see her friends.

"Y/ anyone there?" I saw uncle Sam stare at me, a little concern running in his eyes, his probably just wondering how on earth I haven't hugged one of them and cried my eyeballs out.

"Yeah, sorry. I was just thinking." He nodded before giving me my bag and rubbing my head, as if I was a little child.

"Do me a favor...don't fall for Danny, he has a lot of demons in his closet, pun intended." Sam winked before going back to whatever he was doing.

As for what he meant by that, they're monster hunters, but they retired a few years back, now they just make sure I don't die and vice versa.

Danny's pov

I hate that elf, she's tiny, she's annoying and she hardly does anything, for the amount of time we've been here sorting out sleeping arrangements and getting supplies we need and every time I look at her she isn't doing anything.

I don't like her, there's just something about her that pisses the shit out of me, like, yeah sure, she lost her parents and she's allowed to express her emotions, but come on, this girl has been nothing but a bitch to me.

When she called my name, I was curious as freak to know how she knew my name, I mean, most people would, when a stranger says your name in their dreams, but the past two days I've known her she's been nothing but a bitch to me, so I'm doing the same to her.

"What's got your head in a ditch?" Arny asked, from beside me.


"You gripping the box that hard makes me wonder, Danny boy." I heard him say before he walked off towards who knows where.

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