Chap 18

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"What's a quote you would use for a random book idea?" Will asked, referring to when witch said something about writing.

"I have no idea what to do with my existence." Arny said, bumping into me who gave him a confused look.

"Let me fuck you against all these walls." Brandon stated, doing a weird face thing, eventhough we do it on a regular basis when we're being funny.

"I'll be sleeping for 27 years." Will said, then again, he would.

"What about you? What would you say?" Arny asked me.

"As long as you're not a witch, I'll happily take you out to dinner." The four of us laughed before hearing footsteps coming our way, luckily we found a weapon store and I can manage a katana, but it was only Bruno.


"Breath, bud, what happened? Where's Y/n?" Will asked.

"Someone or something took her, she wasn't acting herself and then this thing with a black coat took her." Usually I would get happy, but she still owes me a reason why I was in her dreams, so yeah, a little sympathetic is okay.

"Y/n got taken?" We turned around to see Cas and my little brother with a bunch of medical things and the look of pure horror on Cas's face.

"How did that happen??" Kylo asked, staring at the guys and then at the demon dog.

"Something, it didn't smell human, but she was acting weird, before it took her." Bruno said. I was confused, why would anything or anyone take her? She's

"Show us." I have never heard her angel uncle ever be so serious, it was actually terrifying.

Bruno turned around before we all followed him to a shoe shop where the smell of blood hit us beyond repair.

"That's strange...." I heard Bruno whisper, before he shook his head and sneezed.

"What is?" Cas asked, his serious voice is actually scary.

"When me and Y/n were here it didn't reak of blood, that's a fact." I scrunched my eyebrows before looking around and walking towards what I hope wasn't a dead body.

The smell only got more metallic as I walked towards the back of the shop, I swear I could almost faint, but once I saw a giant pool of blood my heart did something it never did, it skipped a beat like a anxious tiny boy.

"You okay?" I heard Arny ask, when did he show up?

"Yeah, there's just a lot of blood here." I stated, pointing to the ground before turning around, I could practically feel the drool wanting to leave my mouth.

"Hey! You have to keep that controlled." Arny whispered, gripping my upper arm to try and get me to stop thinking about diving down and drinking that pool of blood.

"Believe me, I'm trying." I whispered back before I saw Brandon and Will, Will seemed more anxious than any of us.

"Thank goodness." He breathed out before plopping himself on a table.

"What?" I asked, some saliva leaving my mouth, while I tried to wipe it off, eventhough the other three aren't near us, I still had to take precautions.

"That isn't her blood." What's wrong with me? Why do I care so much for her? When he said that, it felt like a entire weight got lifted off of my shoulders before feeling someone lean on me.

"We have to get some type of blood, we won't last the entire drive without it." Brandon whispered, eventhough the two werewolves could hear everything.

"Did you two forget? You guys can take from us." I immediately shook my head, I am not drinking from my best friend and because I'm terrified I'll act like a dog if I do.

"Wha- that's not human blood." Cas stated, looking towards Bruno who stared at the pool as well.

"Well, she clearly isn't here." Will stated, I had to not laugh before noticing something black turn a corner outside the shop.

"There was something there." I stated, pointing towards the exit and them looking.

"You guys stay here, Bruno, come with me." I hate feeling like an authority figure.

The demon dog followed me out of the store, where the both of us picked up what almost smelled like Y/n, so of course we followed it.


"Tell me again...why did we kidnap a human." Excuse you, I'm at least cleaner then you'll ever be, is what I would say if my mouth wasn't shut.

"Because our newly made vampires are here too." That seductive voice, fuck, it's like a soft British voice, but so gentle it just isn't believable.

"Wait, they are!" How many of them are here??

"Yes, Ash, they are." He sounded like me, done with life, Y/n no, don't sympathize the thing that kidnapped you.

"Looks like our little human is awake." No shit Sherlock.

"She smells nice." Ew, that's gross, put your-

"Put your drooling tongue back into your mouth, Wade." Wait, did he just read my mind? Well then again, they are vampires.

"How long is this gonna take? I wanna go feed." I believe they called her Ash? Asked.

"Soon, besides the smell of demon is very close by." Shit that means, Bruno and someone is on their way here, wherever here really was.

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