Chapter twelve

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Y/n pov

"I think it left...." I heard curly fry say, I was busy playing with William's hair, since cellphones are a thing of the past these days.

"You wanna go check?" I heard Brandon ask, is he stupid? What if it's just patiently waiting for us to go outside and then eat us whole?

"Not it!" They all looked at me with some menacing look, but I suffered enough, I just got my best friend back. I ain't going out there just cause their brains think that monster is there.

"You can go through the vents and go find my little brot- wait no, I don't need your annoyingly dumbass rubbing off on him." That egocentric bitch.

I jumped off the table, rolled my sleeves up and walked to that snowflake before punching him square in the nose.

"You bitch!" He yelled, holding his nose and glaring at me, probably planing my murder, likewise asswipe.

"Wh-what was that for?!?!" Brandon yelled in a question like voice.

"That's for your friend being a total dickwad and an asshole towards me, since we got stuck in this mall, while my uncles decided to ditch to go help the devil of the underworld." And like the demon spawn that man is, he showed up right behind snowflake, with his arms crossed, his black suit and a very unamused but amused look on his that even a thing?

"You called? Little Winchester?" God, did his voice get even more annoying than before?

His voice did indeed get more annoying. I snorted slightly when the three guys flinched and tried to act it off cool.

"Wh-wh-wh-huh?!?!" Was there reply towards the king of hell, que dramatic eye roll.

"I'm Lucifer, surprised you lot don't know who I am." He said, walking past then towards me, Will and Cas were, Cas being the protective angel he is came to stand infront of me and blocked Lucifer's view from me.

"Oh come on. I just wanna see the little Winchester, see if she has anything her uncles were talking about." He said bending slightly down as if he was talking to a little kid. Sure I'm 5'2 everyone in this room is way taller than me, but it really isn't necessary to do that, you idiotic man, wait let me repeat that, you idiotic asshole known as a childish boy.

"Don't smile at her." Cas said, his voice sounding deeper than usual.

(Sorry for not updating lassies and men? I had an operation and writers block for this book, for quite a while, but I'll do my best to update it. Love 😌)

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