Chapter Ten: Idea

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"Reviewed and edited"

"So let me get this straight. Supernatural stuff are real?" Arny asked.

I was getting quite pissed at how guys can't process something like that when we're literally in the middle of a Supernatural apocalypse.

"Arnold. If you haven't realized yet, zombies are Supernatural." Cas said, backing me up a little.

"It's Arny. Not Arnold." He said, crossing his arms and pouting.

"So, are vampires and werewolves a thing?" Dipshit asked.

"Yes. Wendigos. Skinwalkers, witches and ghosts are all alive, just hiding among humans, like yourselves." My skin got goosebumps when he mentioned witches, ya know in fairytale stories how they're ugly and stuff...they trick you into thinking they're beautiful, but underneath the make up and magic they look like mountain ogres, in sorts, they're beyond hideous.

"So if a attractive woman walked up to you, she could be a witch...." I saw dipshit looking at me for a split second before looking back at Cas. "How does one get rid of such a thing?"

Putting the pieces together I realized this dumbass gave me a compliment and a insult at the same time, it's on, you asshole.

"And if one was to get rid of a white haired human being...what does one need to do?" I asked, staring at Will before making eye contact with the white haired asshole, smiling very innocently at him.

"Normally you tickle them till they're face is as red as a tomato, or you give them avocado." Will stated, trying not to laugh at the fact he just split on his friend.

"Thank you Will." I said, nodding my head and walking off, planning my plan of how to make sure to get him back.

"To answer your question Daniel. You need Chicken feet  among other ingredients, and had to be properly chilled, otherwise the spell would be rendered ineffective."

"There's a spell too?!" He asked, sounding very annoyed.

Serves him right for trying to kill me. Eventhough I'm not a witch. Believe me, if I were, I would have made a spell to get rid of every zombie in my town and then a protection spell to surround my area, would've been simple and then I could probably summon some sort of electricity to make food.



"I have an idea..."

"What's your idea?" I heard Will and Cas ask.

"What if we go to Las Vegas? They have achieved their goal of living off of renewable energy, so they have power, the food is still fine and the roads to Las Vegas are all in the desert....I think. I haven't been there in forever." Cas gave me a look of sympathy before grabbing the attention of the boys.

"We have a plan." He stated making the other three who were packing chairs and tables infront of the door so that beast can't get in, turn their heads towards him.

He looked at me and nodded his head before announcing. "We're going to Las Vegas." The boys nearly let a table fall but immediately catched it, making me question how fast they could catch it.

"Just one question...where's Kylo?" Brandon asked, tilting his head slightly to the left.

I didn't even notice he was gone.

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