Chapter 14

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"Why does she hate you so much?" Snowflake asked, I was sitting on a table when the dickwad made eye contact with me before turning back the question.

"I killed her dog, on-

"Purpose." I cut him off, I think he was busy getting irritated with me, but I didn't care, he irritated the living hell out of me every time his here, especially now that he finally admitted to killing my dog.

"It was an accident, you idiot child." He stated, trying to glare at me.

"Okay, can you two just stop with your hate for each other. We have still have to go find Kylo." Curly frie stated, he seemed to be staring more at me then that idiot.

"And we still need to figure out what that thing was that was chasing us." Snowflake added, I of course, rolled my eyes.

"Maybe if you roll it a bit longer, you'll find some manners in there too." White hair murmured before turning around and trying to open the door.

"Or maybe if I roll them just far enough my brain can finally give me a reason why the hell I said your name in my sleep." I think that irked him off, he turned back around and stalked straight at me, before grabbing me by my throat, yanking me up and pushing me towards a wall or cupboard of sorts.

"For someone who clearly loves to fight, you really shouldn't be saying those things out loud." He whispered, his mouth so close to my ear I could've just jabbed him if I wanted to.

"Bite me, bitch." I whispered back, trying to get to eye level. Normally a person would be terrified of someone who's way taller then you and tries to threaten you, but you see. I don't have a function button for that.

"Can you stop being such a dumb idiot!" He frustratedly stated before letting my neck go and walking away, I smirked before going back to where I was sitting, which happened to be taken by curly frie, who was laughing his butt off.

"Shut it." I mumbled, walking past him towards the door.

I grabbed the handle of the door before pushing it open and wanted to slam it back shut, but I couldn't cause Kylo was standing infront of the gigantic creature.

"Y/n!" He said, since when did Snowflake's brother hug me?

"This is Bruno. Bruno this is Y/n  the girl I told you about."

"R...rice to meet you." Great, a talking demon thing, this could end up so well.

"Hi." I said before looking Kylo over for any injuries, only to find none, except for the little drool spots, what I presume are from Bruno.

"I'm fine. Bruno kept me safe." I nodded before looking at the giant creature again, to be quite honest, this giant represents my dog's eyes.

"Bruno." I said, the creature blinking its eyes at me before nudging me with its mouth.

"Where are you from?"

"Hell." It said, before licking one of its legs, leaving me with a deadpan look on my face.

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