Chap 20

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Why did she have to pass out? After Ezekiel and his minions left, I had to take the metal mouth thing off of her and even though she's annoying, the smell of her cocky attitude was busy making its appearance again, but she passed out and now I'm stuck with walking with her in my arms.

"She will freak if she wakes up in your arms." I heard someone say, before seeing Will standing in front of me, holding his hands out, likely to take Y/n from me, I gladly gave her to him.

"What even happened?" Will asked, referring to why it took me seven hours to get back to where the group was originally at.

"Some old vampires wanted me and Brandon to join their clan, but I told them I already have one." I shrugged, being friends with werewolves is fun, note the sarcasm.

I heard whimpering and looked towards Y/n who was snuggling herself into Will's chest, glad I avoided that bullet, but even if I don't like her, why did I suddenly have this urge to wanting to protect her, it isn't like me to wanting to protect girls, especially ones who would rather want me dead than alive.

"Was she bitten?" Will asked, my eyes widened before walking closer to the two, lowering her shirt slightly I sighed in relief, I looked at my tall best friend and shook my head, he sighed as well before Cas walked up to me and slapped me across the face, that hurt.

"You could've told me." He stated, a grumpy look on his face, which meant something, like always, before he uncrossed his arms and hugged me. "Thank you for making sure she was okay and thank you for bringing her back in one piece." I smiled slightly before seeing Arny and Brandon pulling what seemed like to be long sleeved shirts out of one of the bags.

"This is my size....and there's sizes of all of us." I rose an eyebrow before looking towards the sleeping Y/n, so she isn't a complete bitch?

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