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The weather was stormy and the tide seemed to be against the royal ship. Heavy winds sent the sails blowing in the wrong direction and the constant rainfall made the deck dangerous to walk on. The soldiers tried to keep in high spirits despite how late into the night it was and how cold and miserable they were.

The storm seemed to last for hours until at last the winds settled and the rain became a light patter. The clouds that had descended on them in thick fog began to dissipate and the crew were left with a clear and calm horizon. It seemed like the gods had answered their prayers.

That was, until they looked behind them and saw a ship rapidly approaching. Its sails were pitch black, slightly tattered but facing the breeze head on and directing the ship in their direction. It was gaining rapid speed- more than the royal ship- and the soldiers began to prepare for battle.

If the fluttering flag atop the crow's nest was anything to go by, they were in danger. For pirates were on the attack.

In the few seconds the soldiers took to arm themselves with pistols and swords, the pirate ship had caught up and its voyagers were preparing to climb aboard their ship. They saw the Captain, wearing a simple white billowing shirt and black slacks, heavily buckled boots and a well-fitted pirate hat atop his blond hair. He was smirking at the Captain of the Royal Guard as he stood grandly by the wheel; without saying a word he raised his sword in the direction of the royal ship and the pirates descended like birds of prey.

It seemed even the crowing birds circling above- waiting excitedly for their next feast- mocked the soldiers as the pirates attacked with long and heavy swords, glistening daggers rusted with red, and dozens of fully-loaded pistols. Seconds later many of the soldiers were dead, wounded, or forced to their knees in surrender.

The pirates all held their positions and waited for their Captain to board the ship. The Captain of the Royal Guard kept his head held high even with a gun to the back of his head and told his men to have courage and that it would be an honour to die for King and country.

The pirate Captain laughed terribly at this before his grin fell from his face and he sauntered up to the old man, using the tip of his sword to fling the hat off of his head. The crew watched with baited breaths, knowing their fate would be sealed in the next few seconds.

"Well well well, yer a nasty one aren't you? Aye, you didn't even put up a fight. Where's all that honour and dignity gone now, ey? Up yer stinking wig?"

The pirates snickered and sneered at the captured soldiers, teasing them with little stabs or slices.

"What do you want, pirate?" the Captain of the Royal Guard demanded.

"Captain. Pirate Captain. And I want yer precious cargo."

"We have no cargo, simply transporting soldiers up north to the colonies."

"Colonies? Here that lads, we might just have to stop by them after!" The pirates grinned and laughed. "You should really learn to keep yer mouth shut."

"I do not take orders from pirates." the Captain spat, causing the pirate's eyes to darken and become sinister.

"Where is he? The little Prince? I know he's here and I want him. Yer got that?"

"How dare you-"

The next thing everyone knew, the Captain of the Royal Guard lay sprawled out on the top deck in a pool of his own blood, slowly choking to death. The pirate Captain looked down at him with a sneer before walking off and down the steps, smirking at the shivering soldiers. He walked amongst them as if deciding which of them were good enough to join his crew, but he knew they were all weak and useless. No, he needed more. He needed-

"What the bloody hell happened here?"

The Captain stopped in his tracks and turned to face the cabin below top deck, where the people of highest status on the ship slept. The big heavy wooden door was pushed open to reveal a boy of no more than sixteen and he was the most beautiful human being the Captain had ever layed his eyes on.

The boy had jet black, silky smooth hair that gleamed midnight blue in the moonlight. He had smooth, clear and pale skin alongside blue eyes that held the sky, the sea and all things the Captain loved.

"It seems we've found the precious cargo." the Captain teased as he slowly walked up to the Prince who was rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

The Captain noticed he was wearing a long-sleeved white blouse with loose black pants and light boots, agile yet sturdy. He seemed to have just woken up because he yawned before leaning against the doorframe and slowly taking in the scenario in front of him.

"Oh." was all he could say when he realised the hostage situation he was in.

"Hello little Prince, I am-"

"Did you just call me precious?" the Prince had now caught up with the time and was not impressed.

"Aye." the Captain replied, raising a brow. "And you'd better get used to it."

The Prince was pulled by his waist from the doorframe and into the Captain's arms. His eyes widened and he took a proper look at the pirate that had taken over the ship. He was- surprisingly- not like the pirates he read about in books or newspapers. No, he was young, relatively clean, and handsome, with blond hair and hazel eyes.

"Cat got yer tongue now? I'd like to get a better look at you."

He sheathed his sword and lifted a hand to brush away the black locks that were shrouding the Prince's eyes. But, just when he brought his hand down, the Prince flinched and looked at it with wide eyes before looking at the pirate with shaking eyes.

"Look at the young Prince! How pampered and petty. Boys, we're gonna have some right fun with him."

The pirate crew looked at their Captain before sharing glances. Immediately, one with grey hair and one with two-toned hair burst into action, fighting the soldiers and aiming to either kill them or throw them overboard. The rest of the crew soon joined in and the Captain took this moment of chaos to speak to the Prince.

"Who hurt you?"

The Prince's eyes widened at how sincere and serious the pirate Captain looked, another thing he was not expecting, even more than being attacked. He didn't know how to reply and instead pushed himself away from the pirate and looked around at the chaos.

"I- I can't-"

"Who hurt you?" the Captain asked again seriously.

He may be a pirate but he had a heart, and abuse was definitely not on his list of pastimes unless it was someone more criminal than him. He could see the distrust in the Prince's eyes and knew he was confused and didn't know whether to trust him. When he was about to demand an answer the blue-eyed ravenette spoke first:

"Can you save me?"

My Precious Cargo ⚔ Volume 1 (An AtsuKage ff) ✔Where stories live. Discover now