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Once Tobio had finished eating, Hitoshi and Osamu began to clear up and wash the dishes whilst Atsumu called a meeting. He announced that they needed to stock up on a few supplies and also get some new weapons. 

"Which one? Karasuno's is too far away. It would take weeks." explained Kita.

"We stay on track and head up north."

Tobio's dagger clattered to the floor. He jumped and immediately picked it up, apologising quietly. Atsumu saw his discomfort in his decision and wanted to know why.

"You were heading north, right?" 

"Yes. So my fear is someone recognising me. They know what I look like and I'm not much changed. If I get caught so could all of you."

The crew considered this and recognised that it would be dangerous to head north so soon after their invasion of the royal ship. But it was the closest port- taking only four days to arrive- and if they travelled somewhere else they could risk running into problems.

"We'll just have to give you a disguise." Atsumu suggested with a grin.

"Like what, an old hag. A scrawny little slave." the Prince retorted in a teasing tone before he deadpanned. "No chance."

"Nah, but I bet you'd make a nice little Princess."

"I will shove this dagger through your neck." Tobio threatened and with his demeanour the whole crew believed him.

"Fine fine." the Captain gave in, and the crew all smirked at how he crumbled under Tobio's aura. It was intense and commanding, just like a King. "You'll just have to stick close to one of us and keep your head down."

"Aye Captain." 

And with that the Prince stood up to leave without another word or glance at the crew or the Captain.

"Hey wait! Where are yer going?"

"To find something to do. Maybe do some training."

"Well, have you ever used a pistol before?" asked Atsumu.

"No, why?" Tobio answered hesitantly.

The Captain and his crew all grinned before jumping out of their seats and rushing onto the top deck, dragging the Prince with him. Within minutes they disappeared and appeared until there were ten bottles placed up and down the stairs on each side of the cabin's quarters.

"This is what we used to teach ourselves how to shoot." explained Suna, grinning as he held out his pistol and shot at one of the bottles effortlessly, the glass shattering onto the descending steps.

"I see. And who has the best accuracy here?" 

"That'd be me." Atsumu grinned and took out his pistol, shooting the bottle right below Suna's and hitting the top so it flung off yet the glass remained intact.

"Impressive. So, how do you use one?"

The crew spent the next few hours interchanging between maintenance and teaching, all watching with approval at the Prince being a quick learner. He had tried different types of pistols and rifles- short and long range- but ended up finding one called a Mercenary best suited to him. At first his aim was a bit shaky and some of the crew had to fall to the floor to avoid being shot.

"Oh my gods I am so sorry!" Tobio exclaimed when Hitoshi almost lost his arm. Luckily the bullet cut through his shirt and not his skin.

"It's fine. Nice shot!" Hitoshi exclaimed before returning to cleaning the canons.

Atsumu teased Kageyama for his red face after that incident, and later that day when he was getting better control of his shot, he accidentally shot at the Captain as he left his cabin, the bullet going right through the top of his head.

My Precious Cargo ⚔ Volume 1 (An AtsuKage ff) ✔Where stories live. Discover now