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It was short and quiet but the pirate heard it. He saw the dive the Prince was taking into the unknown, and realised whatever he was going through was worse than going aboard a pirate ship. He also hoped there was some trust in his ocean eyes but didn't want to push his luck.

"Aye... but I want yer to join my crew."


"Well that was quick."

"Being a pirate sounds fun, much more fun than being King. And then maybe you won't call me precious, that was not impressive."

"I like yer very much little Prince."

"Kageyama. My name is Kageyama Tobio."

"Well then little Tobio, will you join the crew and become a pirate? Rebel against the law, sail the seas and maybe do the odd pillaging?"

"Aye." replied the Prince, copying the funny accent of the Captain. "Your crew works well but you should retreat."

"Huh?" the Captain was stunned at the grin that began to form on the Prince's face.

"Is there anything else you want from the ship? If so get it now and be on your ship in five minutes. I'll meet you there."

And with that the Prince disappeared back into the cabin and the Captain was left to join his crew in dealing with the last few fighting soldiers. Eventually when the sun was rising and the ship was ransacked, the crew went back onto their own ship.

"Do you want it?" a loud voice called to them from above; the crew looked up to see the Prince atop one of the sails and holding a flickering lantern. "Do you want the ship?"

"Not really, why?" the Captain asked.

"Then you won't mind if I do this."

And with that the Prince dropped the lantern onto the sail and watched as little by little the ship set alight, its flames fighting with the brightness of the horizon. The golden flames flickered in the Prince's eyes before he ran to the edge of the mast and jumped off, grabbing a rope and swinging down onto the pirate ship's top deck. He landed gracefully and cast a last look to the sinking ship before moving his gaze to the watching pirates.

He felt the dagger in the back of his belt and felt comfort in its presence yet he was hoping not to use it. He descended the steps and stopped on the last one, coming face to face with the pirate Captain and his crew, who were all looking at him with a wide range of emotions. Surprise, like, and distrust to name a few. Understandable.

"Yer making quite a nice first impression, for a Prince." the Captain teased.

"Well enough I suppose. I have to admit it was quite a thrill." The Prince looked back to the remains of the ship before letting out a quiet laugh that took the pirates by surprise. "You've no idea how many times I've imagined doing that."

"Aye..." the Captain gazed upon the Prince a moment longer before smirking and removing his hat, descending into a low bow but looking up at the boy with a grin. "I haven't introduced myself yet. Atsumu Miya is the name, and welcome aboard Inarizaki's Revenge."

The crew were shocked to see their Captain bowing but immediately did the same, wondering why Miya had settled his attention on the young Prince. Well, ex-Prince now.

"Thankyou. But I don't think you need to bow. Once people find out the truth my father will disown me. But then again..." the boy mused, taking a seat on the step, "maybe he will say that I was taken hostage? Put a reward out and act all sad to avoid the scandal. That old bastard would definitely do things like that."

My Precious Cargo ⚔ Volume 1 (An AtsuKage ff) ✔Where stories live. Discover now