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"What's up with yer face? A lovesick puppy or something?" Osamu teased making his twin shove his shoulder.

"I love the way he talks."

"He insulted every single one of us in here with a damn tiny smirk on his face. He even called us homosphines or something, whatever that means."

"Aye, he's a little devil alright." Suna spoke with a grin.

"Homosapiens." Kita corrected. "It means humans."

"You see, he's so clever." Atsumu stated before taking another drink. 

"He politely called everyone here an animal."

And it clicked. Atsumu had by now consumed 4 large pints of beer and whisky, and was beginning his drunk-talk. As the night continued, and Tobio and Oikawa resumed their talking outside, the crew took the chance to tease their Captain endlessly.

"So, what else do you love about little Tobio?"

"..." Atsumu remained thoughtful for a while before grinning. "I love his smile. He doesn't smile wide too often so when he does, or when he laughs hard, it's amazing. And I love how he is so excited about every little thing yer could think off. He's also so damn pretty, none of yer stinky faces could compare."

"Mhm." Suna agreed, his smile holding back his laughter. "What else?"

"I love him because he wants to be happy. And he's never afraid to get 'is hands dirty. And how he has so much emotion and yer know he's been through a lot but he keeps pushing on. I love his voice. It's damn perfect."

By now Atsumu was so deep in his love for Tobio that he kept rambling and rambling. After another drink he was completely drunk so they crew decided to leave, trying to not let so many people see their wasted Captain to try and preserve his reputation. Sure he was annoying but he was their friend.

When they returned to the ship they could see in the distance Tobio and Oikawa walking further down the port by some stray fishing boats. Atsumu saw them and was about to shout over when Osamu shushed him and carried him to his quarters, trying not to laugh madly at his twin. He hadn't drank so much in a while.

"So," the grey-haired brother began when Atsumu slumped atop his bed, "anything else you wanna tell me?"

"Aye aye! Wait, no! Yer not allowed to know. I promised him I'd keep me trap shut."

Osamu nodded with resolution, but he could already guess what his twin was keeping from him. It was so obvious in the way he acted, that everyone in the crew knew there had been a shift in their Captain and Tobio's relationship ever since that day they went swimming. Whether they were in a new relationship, or simple grew closer, Osamu knew his twin had found his other half. He prayed he would have eternal happiness: he deserved it.

"Samu, sit down yer making me feel sick." Atsumu drawled out.

Osamu huffed but slouched down against the headrest, looking down at his twin expectantly. The blond now seemed a lot more pensive with a frown appearing on his brow.

"Samu, what if I did him wrong?"

"What're yer talking about Tsumu?"

"What if... what if I've cursed him? He's trapped on this ship with us, and yer can see he's hiding his pain. What if yer wrong and I'm not the one for him?"

"Tsumu, have I ever told yer how dumb you are?"


"Shut up. Look, Tobio isn't trapped; yer a fool if you think so. He's freer than ever with us. His father can't touch him with us around, and he can do and be who he wants to be. And I know he makes you happy, and somehow, yer nasty face makes him happy too."

My Precious Cargo ⚔ Volume 1 (An AtsuKage ff) ✔Where stories live. Discover now