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They returned to the ship and there were already a few of the crew members there. Suna was incredibly happy with Tobio's new piercings, and said he would have to try a similar style in the future. Kita asked if they hurt at all, gesturing to the slight redness on the left lobe, but the younger male insisted it was bearable and nothing more than warmth from the bloodrush.

Soon enough everyone had returned with things for themselves like clothes, or general supplies like food and rum. Lots and lots of rum. Tobio couldn't help it but frown in distaste. Seriously, the alcohol looked like piss. 

"Are we going to eat here or at the pub?" Osamu asked when he returned from the store room.

"Out. They have amazing chips!" Atsumu declared, and Tobio couldn't help but smile at how excited the blond always got over food. It must be from his brother's wonderful cooking.

"Alright, let's go now before it's too busy." suggested Kita, and everyone headed off the ship, paying a small sum to a male watching the docks, a sum big enough that he wouldn't try anything funny on them. 

"Stick next to me, okay?" Atsumu spoke to Tobio quietly as they made their way through the thickening crowds. "Nobody's gonna mess with you if yer with us."

"Nobody with brains." Tobio countered, and the blond smirked at the snark in his voice.


They soon reached the pub and found there was loud music and heavy dancing from inside. There was a band in the corner surrounded by empty bottles of alcohol, and there were pirates scattered on every surface possible: chairs, tables, the stairs, everywhere. Inarizaki gained a few stares as they headed to the last clear table next to the bar, their reputation warning people to back off. And if their reputation didn't do it, then the memory of what went down the last time they were here surely did.

"What can I getcha?" the bartender greeted with yellowing teeth as he scrubbed a mottled glass.

"Six whiskies and three beers."


Moments later 9 giant mugs were slid onto the table, and the pirates didn't hesitate to start downing them like they were water. Tobio didn't want anything to drink and so sat and observed the pub, his eyes flicking from one side to the other as he looked at all of the raucous people there. It seemed that everyone was drinking heavily and having a good time, dancing all over the place in slightly provocative motions.

"What do you think?" Kita asked, tapping the boy lightly on the shoulder to get his attention.

"Tsumu belongs here." Tobio joked, and Kita smiled whilst the Captain scoffed.

"I belong out on the-"

"Well aren't you a pretty one. How about a dance and you come with me, eh?"

Atsumu paused in his speech and Kageyama felt a weirdly hot breath against his neck, one that wreaked of alcohol. He turned around at the dark expression on the blond's face and came face to face with a man surely three times his age. His scratchy beard and wiry hair made him lean back from how close he was to his face: incredibly.

He sensed the other crew members watching the man too.

"Excuse me?" Tobio asked with a frown. "What did you say?"

"Why don't you bring yer pretty face and come over to my crew. Yer gonna love it."

"I think not."

"Come on. Yer don't want a fun time? Aye?"

"I said no. Now get lost." Tobio warned with a glare.

But the man wouldn't listen, and instead leaned forwards so they were almost touching. Atsumu noticed him beginning to reach a hand out to grab Tobio, so he glared and put his hand on the hilt of his sword. But the stranger didn't seem to notice, and instead grinned and came even closer.

My Precious Cargo ⚔ Volume 1 (An AtsuKage ff) ✔Where stories live. Discover now