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"What're we eating?" Atsumu asked as he finally sat down at the table, taking a good whiff of the food.

"Curry." Osamu replied before digging in himself. 

"Pork, not chicken." Tobio added before pausing and looking down at his food. "Hold on."

He got up and disappeared into the storage for some time, looking through the foods for something. When he returned he placed the loaf they had brought that morning on the table and went to grab a large knife to cut it up with. Once split everyone hastily grabbed a piece and began to eat it, either straight into their mouths or dipped into the curry. Yet, at the deadpan expression of the Prince they slowed down and took their time, not choking on the food.

"Better." Tobio approved, Kita nodding along.

"Teaching us manners now?" the Captain inquired, sending a teasing grin to the boy.

"Aye. You're pirates but it doesn't mean you have to become savages."

"I agree." echoed Kita. 

The crew heartily enjoyed the meal, saying that having pork made it taste richer than chicken. It was gone in no time yet they stayed around the table to have a few drinks, making the most of their fresh supplies. Of course they made sure not to have too much, but one bottle of beer each would be plenty to wash down the meal.

The Captain noticed that once the alcohol was brought out the Prince excused himself, leaving the room quickly after asking Osamu if he could clear up. He recalled Tobio saying he disliked alcohol so didn't demand him to come back and join in; instead he allowed himself to relax and have fun with his friends, drinking and singing old folk songs.

As night drew upon them, Kageyama remained outside. He enjoyed listening to all of the songs the crew sang yet liked having some alone time after being surrounded by so many people all day. He watched the moonbeams splay upon the water, turning it into a cosmic blue blanket, the stars swimming in the waves. In the heavens he could make out a constellation or two, remembering the times he and his sister would stargaze from the watchtower.

A bittersweet smile appeared on his face and he allowed himself to wallow in his memories a moment longer before heading down into the sleeping quarters when he heard footsteps below. He washed up a little and slipped off his shoes, deciding to stay in his shirt and slacks since there were no covers. Ren helped him set up his hammock and he found it easy enough to get in and out of. He actually quite liked the gentle rocking, helping him relax and drift off to sleep, surrounded by snores and sighs.

"Hey, Tobio, psss."

Kageyama turned his head to the side to see Suna's piercing eyes looking at him. He sat up a little and waved.

"What's up?"

"Do ya like it here?"


"Good. 'Cuz if you didn't we would all be sad." 

The pirate's words were a little slurred so the Prince knew he still had some alcohol in his system. He smiled at the little frown on Suna's face and asked why everyone would be sad.

"Because yer fun. You make us laugh and yer cute and yer fierce. And Captain likes you a lot."

"I'm glad I made a good impression."

"I see yer as my little bro you know?"

"Thankyou Suna, that's sweet of you."

"Aye. I'm a sweet person I am." Suna agreed, smiling to himself as he hiccupped slightly from the alcohol, causing Tobio to stifle a laugh.

"Indeed, now go to sleep Suna."

"Okay, night."

"Rest well."

Kageyama once more settled in his hammock and shut his eyes, welcoming a heavy sleep. But in his last few moments spent awake, he thought how lucky he was to have been welcomed into a crew like this one. A crew full of crazy young boys who just wanted a laugh.

On the other hand, Atsumu lay wide awake in his cabin. No matter how many times he tossed and turned he never managed to stay comfortable for long. He was either too hot or too cold, and his mind was full of so many thoughts he felt like it could burst. 

Groaning, he pushed up onto one arm and reached over to the drawer next to his bed, pulling open the top draw and taking out the vial of amber liquid Hoshiumi had given him. Deep down he could guess what his true goal was, his one true desire, yet he wanted to be certain. And- since he couldn't fall asleep naturally- he damned himself and opened the vial.

A sweet smell of lime and ginger wafted over him before he downed the liquid in one. Immediately he felt its effects, for his limbs grew tired and his head became heavy. Falling back onto the messy sheets, the Captain fell into a deep sleep...

"Did you sleep well last night?"

"I did, although some people do snore quite loud. Like your brother, for example."

Atsumu burst out laughing at the comment; his twin on the other side of the ship looked over with curiosity, knowing when Atsumu laughed like that it was usually because he was involved. However, he was too tired to investigate and simply headed down to the sleeping quarters with everyone else for the night.

"Aye, they can be quite agressive sleepers."

"Did you? Sleep well, that is." asked the Prince. "I understand you were worried."

"Aye, I slept fine. I enjoyed the space." he added in a teasing tone that made Tobio roll his eyes and give a playful shove to his shoulder.

The Captain grinned before shoving back, making the Prince look at him with a daring expression before shoving back. One thing led to another and soon enough they were on the floor, Atsumu tickling Kageyama's sides as he screamed out for him to stop, tears falling from his eyes as he laughed loudly.

"I'm s-sorry! Just stop t-tickling! Tsumu stop- ahahaha!"

"Never." the Captain replied with a grin.

It wasn't until the Prince was gasping for air did he stop, holding his hands over his head and looking down at him with a goofy grin. Tobio's chest rose up and down with each heavy breath and he tried and failed to glare at the Captain.

"Urgh, my ribs hurt now. You're going to pay for this."

"How will I pay for it?"

Tobio paused for a moment before grinning, then he forced his body up and rolled them over so he was above Atsumu.

"Now, where are you ticklish?" the Prince mused as he looked the Captain up and down.

Atsumu knew he was very ticklish, not that he would ever admit it. And because he did not want to become an unravelled mess infront of Tobio he rolled them back over. Kageyama huffed, saying it wasn't fair Atsumu was heavier than he was, and pouted as he looked away.

The Captain looked down at the Prince's lips, getting drawn in with how perfect they were. The perfect size, the perfect shape, and the perfect colour- a light cherry red that curved into a heart shape when he smiled. He was mesmerised by them and, before his mind caught up with his body, he leaned down and lightly kissed them.

Tobio's breath hitched as the Captain kissed him. It was momentary yet seemed to last a lifetime. When Atsumu pulled away he felt at a loss, so leaned up to reconnect their lips. He could feel the older smiling into the kiss and he couldn't help but chuckle.

"Idiot." he muttered against his lips.

"Aye. Your idiot."

They kissed and kissed and kissed until they couldn't breathe. Atsumu felt like everything had just shifted into place, like the world had tilted right on its axis. He wanted to hold Tobio close and kiss him forever, wanting nothing more than to keep him safe and comfortable in his arms. And when he pulled away to see flushed cheeks, bruised lips and gleaming cerulean eyes, he knew this was his one true desire. Each intake of breath and each beat of their hearts fell in-sync, until they were one and the same under the moonlight.

My Precious Cargo ⚔ Volume 1 (An AtsuKage ff) ✔Where stories live. Discover now