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After a few more minutes of conversation they split off to do some work. Atsumu went to the supply room with Kita to make a list of things they would need the next time they stopped at a port. Kageyama went off with Osamu who wanted to know about any interesting or delicious foods they made in the castle. Tobio found out he loved cooking and always made new recipes with foods they collected on their travels. This was a great way to spend the evening and the Prince loved how excited the pirate got when he talked about some of his favourite dishes.

"Have you ever eaten pork curry?"

"Pork? In curry? Not chicken?" asked Osamu with surprise.

"Yes, pork. But it has to be done fresh and with as much spice as possible. It is far better than chicken."

"No wonder we've never had it. Pork can be expensive."

"I suppose so. Then, how about strawberry shortcake? It originates in the south where the climate is hotter and the fruit can be produced many months of the year."

"Making a shortcake does sound good, I haven't had one in a few years, not since we stopped at Miyagi for a meeting with Karasuno at their port."

"We'd always have it on my mother's birthday since it was her favourite. I don't think I've had one in almost five years."

"Yer mother? What's she like?"

"... She passed away. When I was twelve."

"Oh. That's unfortunate." Osamu replied with a sad expression.


"We lost out mother too, Tsumu and I. When our town was attacked. Our father was never around much anyways so we were on our own. When yer on yer own you have to be resourceful, and hopeful."

"You do indeed."

They continued to talk about foods and recipes for some more time until everyone began to head back to their quarters to sleep. Kageyama asked who was on duty first and volunteered to do so when Osamu said they hadn't decided.

"Usually it's whoever is the least tired. Kita suggested making a schedule but we wouldn't stick to it. Yer alright with staying up?"

"I am. I feel well rested and awake."

"Alright then, I'll be heading out."

"Rest well."

"Aye. You... too." the pirate replied, making a uncertain expression as he tried to use his manners.

Kageyama grinned and nodded his head, and Osamu headed to the lower deck to sleep. He himself went up to the top deck and up by the wheel, checking they were heading in the right direction using the compass and map pinned to the wood. It was relaxing to be outside by himself, and yet, with the vast world all around him, he also felt solitary. Not in the way he did in the castle where he was confined to one space, but solitary in the fact that he felt like he was only one person in the whole wide world.

"Go far out to sea dear, into oceans big and bold, find the heart of the great goddess and a chest of pearl and gold. I will guide you dear, let your spirit wander free, for the seven seas are with you-"

"So sing this song to me."

Kageyama turned around to see where the voice came from, and was surprised to find nobody there. He looked around the deck but it was empty with only the rocking lamps and flowing sails to keep him company. But, he still felt someone's presence, and so walked up to the rail in front of the wheel and peered down to where the cabin door was.

And, sure enough, Atsumu was leaning against it and looking up with a grin.

"I like your song." he called up.

My Precious Cargo ⚔ Volume 1 (An AtsuKage ff) ✔Where stories live. Discover now