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"Why the bloody hell did you have to shout so loud? Huh? I could hear you from all the way in here! Here I was, sleeping the most that I have in weeks and then you shout some absurd abomination to your crew waking me up in the process. Then you sneak back in here like you didn't just summon the Kraken and ask me if I slept well?!"

To say Kageyama was mad was an understatement. He was mad and tired, and when he was like this he was not in the mood for common courtesies. Yet, despite the scowl on his face, the Captain couldn't help but get distracted by his collarbones on show from his slipped-down shirt and his slightly visible legs from his cross-legged position.

"My eyes are up here." the Prince added with a dark tone.

Atsumu coughed and took of his hat before making a small nod in apology. He said dinner would be ready in a minute and to join them when he was dressed. Tobio nodded in return and made his way out of bed, sighing with annoyance and relief when the cabin door once more clicked shut.

When he was alone, the Prince covered his face with his hands and fell back onto the bed, the smaller pillows becoming aerial for a moment. He took a moment to collect himself and wish away the red blush he knew was on his face. It was true that he slept very well that day and yet he wasn't in a comatose state. When the Captain awoke he did too, and was thankful to the gods above that he didn't become a cherry when he realised he was using his arm as a pillow. His tanned, muscular- stop it!

The Prince whined and smushed his face into a nearby pillow before recovering himself and beginning to get ready. Putting on his slacks, boots and belt, he retied the laces on his shirt before slipping his dagger into a sheath on his belt. With a final check in the mirror he began to leave the cabin. But, just as he reached the door he turned back, checking his eyeliner wasn't too smudged and putting on his jewellery.

At last he was dressed and so left the cabin. It was now that he was thankful for his royal upbringing, for his ingrained manners of regality and composure allowed him to create a persona of relaxation.

When he entered the kitchen it was to be greeted with scavenging pirates shovelling forkfuls of chicken and vegetables into their mouths. They ate at such a rapid pace that they barely made a noise, yet he stopped in the doorway and looked upon them with a stunned expression.

"We didn't know if you were coming so we started anyways." Osamu managed to say through a mouthful of chicken.

"It's fine." he managed to reply before grabbing himself a portion and sitting in his seat from that morning.

"Thankyou for the meal." he spoke quietly before beginning to eat, struggling and failing to hide an amused smile at the raised brows sent his way. "I may be on a pirate ship but I still have manners. Sixteen years of manners class will not go to waste."

"Manners class?" Atsumu asked. "Sounds boring. No wonder yer such a goody-two shoes."

"Indeed. But at least I'm not a raucous, raving pirate Captain who can't tell the difference between shouting and screaming like a dying cat." the Prince replied with a calm expression as he continued to eat, sharing a quick glance with Kita who looked at him with approval as the crew burst into laughter.

The Captain's mouth gaped open like a fish and would have stayed that way if his twin hadn't shut it saying: "Yer a dirty sod." This made him revitalise and bickering ensued between them. The rest of the crew rolled their eyes and continued eating, yet Kageyama was surprised they were all now taking their time and were making an effort not to chew like horses.

"I am glad you're here." Kita called out to him from across the table.

"You are?"

"Aye. Now enjoy your extra food."

Tobio looked at his portion and did notice it was slightly bigger than everyone else's. He hoped it was because Kita thought he was underfed or that he had taken a liking to him, and not that it was simply because he was a Prince. Ex-Prince.

"I like you. Captain hasn't looked so stunned since we turned everything in his quarters up side down for a wee prank. Yer a funny one too."

"I'll take that as a compliment. Aran, correct?"

"Aye. I think yer gonna make a fine pirate too."

Tobio nodded and resumed eating, making small chat with the crew members he hadn't spoken too much. He liked Ren and Hitoshi, and they in turn liked him. They asked him some things about being a part of the royal family and he asked about any interesting places they've visited recently.

"We stopped by the city of Tokyo a few weeks ago. Yer familiar?" asked Ren.

"I think so, they're in the east?"

"Aye. Atsumu has a good friend there named Sakusa, he's a tradesman." Ren explained.

"It's funny though, since he's a clean freak and he trades with lords and dirty pirates alike." added Hitoshi. "His cousin is part of the Itachiyama crew."

"Are there other crews you're familiar with, any allies?"

"Well, there's Karasuno and Shiratorizawa, we trade with them from time to time."

"Aye, and the Karasuno captain is scary. He has more piercings than Suna."

"But there's Aoba Johsai too, we call them Seijoh."

They continued talking for a while after they had finished eating, and once again Kageyama offered to help clean up with Kita. However, the Captain asked if they could take a walk on the top deck and the second in command agreed, so here he was watching the sunset with Atsumu.

"I-" the Captain began but paused to cough.


"I, well, wanted to apologise for yer sudden awakening. I was loud."

It was clear that the older was not used to apologising; Tobio could see it in his unsure expression and eyes that refused to look at his. He glanced over to the Captain from watching the sun sink into the waves, before laughing quietly. This was unexpected and the blond turned to look at him with surprise.

"What yer laughing at?"

"Nothing, just that you look so funny right now. You don't say sorry often I guess."

"I'm a Captain. I give orders and never apologise."

"Mhm. Well then, I forgive you. But I was no longer mad. It was a spur of the moment thing."

"Aye, that's alright then."

The Prince nodded and the two continued to look at the setting sun, relaxing in the peaceful ambiance.

"So," the Captain began, "what were you doing this time last evening?"

"Writing a letter to my father. He has tight control over me so whenever I travel- limited as it is- I must always write to him thrice to let him know of my situation."

"I was fighting with Osamu over spilled milk. Literally." he added and Tobio couldn't help but laugh at the sour expression on Atsumu's face. The more he looked at it the harder he laughed until he was crouching and wiping away tears from his eyes.

"I-I'm sorry. I sh-shouldn't laugh but your face w-was so odd!"

Atsumu looked down at the laughing Prince and couldn't help but join in, realising just how absurd the situation actually was. But he was also laughing at how cute Tobio looked whilst he laughed, cheeks flushed and eyes alight.

Once he was beginning to calm down he accepted the Captain's hand and leaned against the railing to collect himself.

"How things change, well, for me at least. I see you arguing with Osamu until you're old and grey."

"Aye, that's probably true."

My Precious Cargo ⚔ Volume 1 (An AtsuKage ff) ✔Where stories live. Discover now