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At breakfast the next day, Atsumu made sure that there were no serious injuries amongst the crew. Apart from a few cuts and bruises they were all in top shape, and so they had a meeting about where to direct their course. 

They settled on heading east, and the next few days went by pretty smoothly with no fights or setbacks. Well, almost completely smoothly. Atsumu and Kageyama still hadn't had their little talk and Osamu was bothering the Captain about it every time they spoke. And although the air was no longer uncomfortable between them- sleeping together seemed to have healed some of their distance- their was still a heavy amount of red cheeks and redirected eyes, mostly on Atsumu's behalf since the Prince was better at masking his emotions.

Kageyama had returned to sleeping with the rest of the crew, but Atsumu wasn't too bothered anymore since he knew Tobio was safe, and that was all that mattered.

The crew also picked up on their Captain's feelings easy enough, and thoroughly enjoyed making kissy faces at him when the little one wasn't looking, making him want to jump off the boat and drown.

"Cut it out!" he yelled one time when Suna and Osamu were getting a little steamy in front of him.

"Cut what out?" asked Tobio as he turned around from helping Kita mend some of their clothes.

"Nothing Tobio, it's fine." the Captain reassured before quickly glaring at the two pirates who were acting like they weren't just driving him insane.

"If you say so."

Kita just sighed at the pirates' antics, making sure to give a stern stare to Suna and Osamu until they were diligently moping the deck, heads down and eyes focused. Tobio just watched with amusement at how easily they followed Kita's orders, even if he didn't have to say anything. He also saw the frustrated expression on the Captain's face and so offered a small smile when he passed. Atsumu's face lit up easily.

Tobio really had a strong effect on him.

One day, when the weather was the finest it had ever been with a beaming sun and pale periwinkle skies, the ship's anchor was dropped down deep into the seabed halting any further movements. It was decided that they would have a cleaning day since the dirt on the ship, their clothes and themselves was beginning to pile up.

Bright and early in the morning they sat about getting cleaning supplies and all of their laundry into piles, advised by Kita the King of Cleanliness. Everyone was given tasks to do and after a breakfast of regular porridge they set to work. Tobio was in charge of missing items: checking all over the ship for abandoned or regular items. He found one of Atsumu's hats that Osamu had taken as a joke, a random boot that belonged to Aran, a sac of tinned foods and a broken pistol. Luckily there were no rats, they hadn't gone feral just yet.

On his break he stretched on the top deck, letting himself soak up the beaming sun as he watched some of the crew washing everyone's clothes in small boats down below. They seemed to be laughing and joking as they did this so Tobio was wary of how clean their clothes would be once dried. 

His eyes once more drifted onto the open water. It was a perfect shade of aquamarine and so clear you could see some fish swimming below. He chuckled as he watched some of the fish swim around and chase each other.

"What're yer laughing at?"

Now everyone was finishing up their first tasks they were all climbing back aboard to move onto their seconds. Atsumu saw something had caught Tobio's eyes and joined him by the edge of the ship, peering down into the ocean.

"They reminded me of you and Samu when you chase each other." the Prince explained whilst pointing to the chasing fishies.

"They do? But I'm the more handsome fish, aye?"

My Precious Cargo ⚔ Volume 1 (An AtsuKage ff) ✔Where stories live. Discover now