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"It certainly is busier than the last port we visited." Tobio stated with widened eyes at how crowded the new town was, not a single free space as people pushed and shoved through each other to do their business.

"Aye, but it's more fun that way. Lots of things to steal." Atsumu explained with a smirk.

"As long as you don't do it too much, I suppose it's not the worst thing you could do."

"Yer thinkin' like a pirate already!"

"And who's fault is that?" Tobio countered with a smug grin. 

But he was taken by surprise when Miya looked around (making sure they weren't being watched) before lifting one of his hands to his lips and pressing a soft kiss to it. The Prince looked away with red cheeks and told him to jump off the boat, and the Captain did it again whilst laughing.

They soon headed out onto the deck as Kita directed the ship into the port, the other pirates helping to lower the anchor. This time it would be decided that Aran would stay on the ship and watch over things since his size and overall appearance would be quite intimidating to any idiots trying to loot their ship. 

So, sticking with Atsumu once more, Tobio ventured into the new port with a curious- and slightly worried- expression. He immediately sensed that this port was a lot more dangerous: from creepy gazes from dark alleyways to screams in the most distant buildings.

"Yer still wanting that piercing?" 

"Yes. Did you get yours done here?" the Prince asked.

"Aye. The one who does it is a good man. Odd, but good. Let's go."

Atsumu led Kageyama through the winding streets and he made sure to not look anybody right in the eye for too long in fear of starting a fight. Quite a lot of the people looked ready to throw a dagger at you for just looking in their general direction. But after around five minutes the Captain turned down a narrow alleyway and beyond a crooked wooden door.

To say it was dark was an understatement. Tobio could barely make out the male in front of him, the candles dripping in old wax were weak and waning, as if warding them away. He questioned why on earth this mystery male was in a place like this. Wouldn't he need to see...


Despite having no windows, the room the pair had just walked into was full of light. Rows and rows of candles littered the roof and the place was clearly well-kept. Suna was already there and waved to their reflection in the cracked mirror he was checking himself out in. His new piercing that is.

"Where's the little minx?" Atsumu teased, pretending to search the whole room even though there was a male sitting on a stool in the corner glaring at him. 

The male was small, that much Tobio could figure out, from the way that even his feet were just scraping the floor. He had dark hair and dark grey eyes, and was eyeing him up and down with a blank expression. There was a small scar over his eye that made him seem partially blind.

Now this made Tobio concerned. Who would trust someone blind to give them a piercing?!

"Miya." the male greeted, no amusement on his face at the Captain's antics.

"Tenma! There you are! Yer so teeny yer almost one with the walls!"

"Drown. Who is this?"

"Our newest member of the crew. His name is Tobio."

"A new member?" Tenma mused, once more eyeing up the Prince. "That's new."

"Aye, now I'd appreciate it if you stopped looking and did what yer best at." 

My Precious Cargo ⚔ Volume 1 (An AtsuKage ff) ✔Where stories live. Discover now