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Atsumu gasped, shooting up in his bed with rapid breaths and wide eyes. The tips of his fingers ghosted over his lips, finding them warm and tingling. His chest rose up and down madly and his body felt extremely hot. He turned to his side and found the bed empty, causing him to slump down across it and look up at the ceiling. 

One hand covered his heart, and he could feel the remnants of his dream with each pulse. The heat he felt felt like the ghost of Tobio's touch: the feeling of his hands running through his hair after discarding his hat, or a hand running down his chest before grabbing his shirt and pulling him closer. 

Everything he experienced felt so real and raw he knew it was more than some dream. So, the vial Hoshiumi gave him did work, and now he had finally affirmed what he had been feeling those past few days. He had feelings for the little Prince, incredibly strong ones at that. 

Damn, this was embarrassing. But exciting too. Thrilling, as Tobio would say.

Atsumu didn't fall back asleep for the rest of the night, and was found at early hours in the morning by the wheel, looking into the distance with a glazed look in his eyes. Although the day passed the same as always for the crew, the Captain was way more out of it. He was slow in conversation and retort, didn't participate in jokes, and almost steered the ship in the wrong direction.

The crew were a little concerned but they didn't seem too bothered. Tobio on the other hand was greatly concerned, thinking that maybe it was due to having trouble sleeping. He didn't know just how right he was. Rather frustratingly, several times throughout the day he made accidental eye-contact with the Captain, and each time the older would look away and sigh. 

At dinnertime, Atsumu didn't show up, making the crew more worried since he never missed a meal. Kita served him a portion before asking Kageyama to take it to him. The Prince was more than willing to do so, and took the plate- careful not to spill anything- before heading up the steps and across the deck. It was in this moment that he realised just how constantly the ship rocked due to the waves. Luckily he reached the Captain's quarters unscathed and having not dropped any food. 

He took a deep breath in and out before knocking. Silence greeted him so he knocked again, slightly louder. Yet the Captain didn't open the door and so he nodded before opening the door himself. Inside he found Atsumu standing by the bay windows, looking out at them with a distant expression, showing he was more focused on what was in his head over what was in front of his eyes.

"Hey, I bought you dinner." Tobio announced quietly so as not to surprise the Captain.

Atsumu was drawn out of his reverie by the voice he knew and loved so well, and turned around to see Tobio placing a plate of hot food onto his desk alongside some cutlery. He slowly made his way over and looked down at the meal.

"Thankyou. I must've lost track of time. It's kind of yer to bring it here."

"It was Kita's idea. We are wondering why you won't join us but I understand if you need alone time, everyone does."

The Prince nodded before heading back to the door. He walked out yet paused in the open doorway, turning around and seeming to debate what to say.

"Whatever you're thinking about, or if there is an issue that you're facing, it will get better soon. And you can talk to me, if you'd like." he added before nodding and heading out, shutting the door and returning to the rest of the crew.

Atsumu looked at the spot Tobio had just occupied before turning his gaze down to the meal infront of him. A smile made its way onto his face at the kind gesture, and was touched that he knew something was troubling him; picking up the plate he headed back over to the window, watching the rolling waves with much calmer eyes.

"Thankyou, Tobio..."

"Is he alright?" Kita asked when Tobio returned to them, sitting down and immediately beginning to eat.

"I think so, he was just deep in thought and lost track of time. Something is bothering him but I am sure it will pass with time."

"Can't be that deep if yer brain's so small." Osamu said with a cheeky grin and the crew all laughed, their conversations turning to other topics.

Tobio offered to do the dishes after the meal, and spent the time wondering once more what was bothering the Captain. However, it seemed that he had been thinking too much and so when he was lying in his hammock trying his best to sleep, he couldn't settle. No tossing nor turning nor counting sheep helped him fall asleep. And so- with a quiet sigh- he pushed himself out of the hammock, slipped on his boots and headed up to the upper deck to get some fresh air.

It seemed that he wasn't the only one with the same idea. As he made his way up the stairs he found Atsumu once more standing in front of the wheel, his hands loosely atop the handles as he watched the horizon. He slowed his footsteps and quietly approached the Captain, standing by his side as he relaxed in the calm night time air.

"Yer should be asleep at this time of night." Atsumu began, his voice quiet and soft.

"Maybe so." the Prince agreed, and he saw the Captain's lips quirk up in a small smile.

"Can't sleep?"

"Yeah, my mind is racing once again."

"I'd offer you a massage but there's no bed for you to fall asleep on." the Captain teased and Tobio just shook his head with a resigned sigh.

Quiet once more returned but it wasn't awkward, far from it. They found peace in each other's company, and the galaxy above and ocean below were more than enough to encompass them. But, there were still words left unspoken on Tobio's lips.



"What's going on in your head right now? Since we parted with Hoshiumi you've been acting different."

Atsumu looked down at the Prince and found that even though his eyes were trained on the sight in front of them, there were traces of worry in them.

"Talking with Hoshiumi has left some unanswered questions in my mind. I keep thinking about them."

"Would you like to talk about them?" asked Tobio.

"No, I don't wanna scare yer away." Atsumu confessed with conflict in his eyes.

"They can't be that bad." the Prince assured, placing a hand over one of the Captain's and lightly squeezing it before dropping it.

The next few moments passed in silence as Tobio allowed the blond to decide whether to tell him or not, and to be comfortable if he opened up. At last, when he was about to give up, the Captain turned to him and made an odd request:

"Close yer eyes."


"Do it. Please, I don't think I can say what I want to if yer don't."

"... Alright."

Tobio let out a deep breath before closing his eyes. With them shut it felt like his other senses heightened. He could hear the rushing water around the ship, smell the salt from the open sea, and could feel one of Atsumu's hands entwining with his own, the other placed under his chin.

Feeling the Captain's gaze upon him, he wondered what he was going to do. He trusted him but grew curious. Then, footsteps moved to infront of him and he could feel Atsumu right up close.

"Forgive me." he heard the Captain whisper before he felt two soft lips pressed against his.

They came and went before Tobio had time to react, and all too soon he felt the hand holding his pull away and the presence infront of him vanish. He kept his eyes closed for a second as he processed what happened; when he finally opened them he found himself alone. Turning on the spot, he searched behind him and across the whole deck, yet Atsumu was gone.

He lightly grazed his fingertips over his lips, finding them still warm, the ghost of Atsumu's lips lingering. He knew he was blushing and so stayed a moment in the cold air to collect himself before deciding to stay on watch since he knew he wouldn't be sleeping for a while.

My Precious Cargo ⚔ Volume 1 (An AtsuKage ff) ✔Where stories live. Discover now