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They had been swimming around for the whole afternoon until they began to grow tired. Tobio was lying down on one of the boats whilst Atsumu was leaning on the side as he tread the water. The Prince had his eyes shut as he rested his body, letting the sun beat down on him and warm him up nicely. The sunbeams made the water droplets on his body shine like jewels making the sight rather ethereal to look at. They were talking between themselves and the crew watched with knowing looks in their eyes. 

"Hey Tsumu?"


"We actually never had that conversation. You know, about, um..."

"About that night." the Captain finished for Tobio was struggling to find the words.

"Yes. Well, we could have it now." Tobio said but it sounded more like a question than a statement. "It is just us, right?"

Atsumu looked around and saw most of the lads had gotten out of the water, only Suna and Osamu were in a boat nearby washing their clothes from the swimming.


"Okay. Well then..."

Atsumu saw that although Tobio still had his eyes shut his face held traces of unease. So, he pushed himself up and onto the boat; the commotion made the Prince open his eyes before sitting up and shuffling to one side. Once he was seated, he hesitated before taking one of Tobio's delicate hands in his. Yes, they had callouses from his years of training but to Atsumu they were still delicate, with thin fingers and perfect nails.

"Tobio, I'll be blunt with yer. Then you'll get what I'm gonna say."


"Tobio, I like you. Like, I really like yer a lot."

Tobio just nodded as he took in what the older had said. So his theory was correct and Atsumu liked him in a more than friend to friend way. Yet, him being him, he wasn't sure if he was heading to the right conclusion. He was a Prince, Atsumu was a pirate, he did nothing but help out here and there and had no real importance now he wasn't fulfilling his royal duties, yet Atsumu was in charge of a whole crew who dominated the seas. 

Atsumu could see these insecurities well, after all, he had spent many hours simply staring at and studying the Prince's face. The way his lips would turn down when he was sad or unimpressed, yet didn't want anyone else to know. The way his brow furrowed when he was confused or doubting himself. Atsumu didn't want to pressure Tobio into anything, nor rush him into giving him a reply.

So he lightly brushed the boy's knuckles knowing it helped calm him down before leaning forwards to look up at his hidden face The jet black bangs were still dripping wet and were covering his eyes, so the Captain gently pushed them out of the way, making Tobio look up at him.


Then their world turned upside down. 

One minute they were sitting on the boat atop the water, and the next they were underneath the boat under the water. Atsumu could see two figures retreating and immediately knew they were Suna and Osamu. He turned to find Tobio a little disorientated before the Prince swam up into the air pocket of the upturned boat. They were both breathing heavily and shared annoyed glances.

"Every time." they said in sync before laughing.

"Before I was so kindly interrupted, I was going to give you a reply." Tobio began, not meeting the Captain's gaze as he looked down into water at the treading feet, his cheeks a rose colour that he would blame on the drowning. 

"Aye?" asked Atsumu with hopeful eyes.

"I, well, I like you also. Very much, actually."

Atsumu's eyes widened with surprise but also relief, and a big grin spread on his face. He chuckled at how flustered and shy Tobio was so pulled him closer by his waist. Tobio was taken by surprise so he had to put his hands on the Captain's shoulders before he collided into him. 

My Precious Cargo ⚔ Volume 1 (An AtsuKage ff) ✔Where stories live. Discover now