Chapter 1: Today

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"God put creatures on this planet for a reason, to live until the day they die, and thank the humans for proving Him wrong."

No one knows what the jungle was like 65 million years ago. Some say it was like the Amazon rainforest. It couldn't have been like that. But there was one similarity, they were wild. This jungle was so wild, there was no spot of civilization in sight. No skyscrapers, no houses, no buildings of any kind. In the sky, there were clouds of grey and white and the ground had trees of green. Flying in the sky, making all of the annoying squawking sounds were the Quetzecoatlus, the flying Pterosaurs of 65 million years ago.

Below in the jungle was one of the grazing dinosaurs, a grey ankylosaurus. A female with an armored back of solid bone, as well as a powerful club on her tail. This club would be powerful enough to impact a predator with a heavy impact. Through her scales, there were accents of blue on her back, though her face and underbelly were light grey. Spotting purple eyes, the female ankylosaurus was seen grazing through the Cretaceous jungle, eating any plants that were in her way.

But once she found a clearing in the woods, she picked up the sounds of moving bushes all around her. Normally, she would continue grazing and think this was just a critter. But this movement was bigger than usual. Suspicious, she would prepare her body for battle, firming her feet to the ground, lowering her head, and having her club-ready for swinging. Her suspicions came true when out of the forest, a large tyrannosaurus roared out with his jaws wide open. This male had grey scales all over his body, with his head being greyish white. Behind his head was a long flow of black bristols. To give him some color, he had two bright orange crests on his head and had bright yellow eyes.

The t-rex kept roaring back at the ankylosaurus to corner her, but she was fully prepared to swing her club at him at any moment. Just as she thought she had the high ground, the ankylosaurus would turn her head to see another tyrannosaurus rex charge out of the forest undergrowth. Compared to the male, this was a female as she appeared completely brown with a spot of brown bristols on her head. She had mint green eyes but outlining both of her eyes were red scars, showcasing how her rough way of stalking prey has left her scars. The female rex was working with the male rex in taking down this prey. Although the male was more cautious in trying to take the ankylosaurus down, the female was more reckless and kept viciously roaring at her.

 Although the male was more cautious in trying to take the ankylosaurus down, the female was more reckless and kept viciously roaring at her

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However, just before the ankylosaurus could swing her tail at the female rex, she would feel something sharp hit her leg. Looking down at it, she saw it was a needle with a yellow liquid inside it. This was starting to make the ankylosaurus feel tipsy and confused about what was happening to her. Both rexes were confused as well, but just before the female could take the opportunity to get her, she would also feel a similar pain in her neck. Another needle is shot on her neck side, followed by the male being hit by one as well.

All of the animals would suddenly be surrounded by humans, humans who wore grey military gear and had rifles charged up, ready to fire when necessary. The men would start tossing grappling hooks around the creatures and tie them down. Though the rexes would easily resist, the needles they were shot with caused them to be too tipsy to the point where they would fall to the ground. The female ankylosaurus fell as well and found a large net tossed over all of them.

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